10 best Ultra League teams for Pokemon GO Dual Destiny

Pokemon GO Ultra League best teams (Image via Sportskeeda)
Pokemon GO Ultra League best teams (Image via Sportskeeda)

The best Ultra League teams for Pokemon GO can help you climb the ranked ladder in the Dual Destiny season. This is the 20th season of GO Battle League and the rules for the format remain the same: your picks must be above 1,500 CP and less than 2,500 CP to be eligible. There will be six iterations of the Ultra League this time, with the first one starting at 1 pm PT on December 10, 2024.


This article will tell you about the best Ultra League teams for Pokemon GO in the Dual Destiny season.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions. Attacks marked with a * are Legacy Moves and require an Elite TM.

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Best Ultra League teams in Pokemon GO Battle League League Season 21

1) Primeape, Lickilicky, and Shadow Drifblim

Primeape, Lickilicky, and Shadow Drifblim (Image via TPC)
Primeape, Lickilicky, and Shadow Drifblim (Image via TPC)
PokemonRoleFast AttackCharged Attacks
PrimeapeLeadKarate Chop*Rage Fist* and Close Combat
LickilickySwitchRolloutBody Slam* and Earthquake
Shadow DrifblimCloserAstonishShadow Ball and Icy Wind
  • Strengths: Bug, Fighting, Ghost, Grass, Ground, Normal, and Poison
  • Weaknesses: Electric, Fairy, Flying, Ice, and Psychic
  • Biggest threats: Malamar, Primeape, Steelix, and Shadow Galarian Weezing
  • Tips for using this team: Primeape is a very fast-charging hard hitter. However, it is still frail enough that two neutral hits from a creature with moderate Attack will take it down. Learn move timings and practice catching moves on bulky teammates for the best chance at victory.

2) Shadow Gliscor, Shadow Feraligatr, and Greninja

Shadow Gliscor, Shadow Feraligatr, and Greninja (Image via TPC)
Shadow Gliscor, Shadow Feraligatr, and Greninja (Image via TPC)
PokemonRoleFast AttackCharged Attacks
Shadow GliscorLeadSand AttackAerial Ace and Earthquake
Shadow FeraligatrSwitchShadow ClawHydro Cannon* and Ice Beam
GreninjaCloserWater ShurikenHydro Cannon* and Night Slash
  • Strengths: Dark, Fire, Ghost, Ground, Poison, Psychic, Steel, and Water
  • Weaknesses: Electric, Fairy, and Grass
  • Biggest threats: Clefable, Malamar, Shadow Walrein, Miltank, Guzzlord, Ferrothorn
  • Tips for using this team: This is an alignment-dependent team, with each member covering for the others' weaknesses. Know your matchups and pivot accordingly for consistent results.

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3) Steelix, Malamar, and Serperior

Steelix, Malamar, and Serperior (Image via TPC)
Steelix, Malamar, and Serperior (Image via TPC)
PokemonRoleFast AttackCharged Attacks
SteelixLeadThunder Fang
Psychic Fangs and Breaking Swipe
MalamarSwitchPsywaveFoul Play and Superpower
SerperiorCloserVine WhipFrenzy Plant* and Aerial Ace
  • Strengths: Dragon, Electric, Grass, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock, and Steel
  • Weaknesses: Bug, Fighting, Fire, and Ice
  • Biggest threats: Talonflame, Ninetales, Turtonator, Typhlosion, Rapidash
  • Tips for using this team: This team doesn't have a direct response to Fire-type critters. Malamar, with its immense Fast Move pressure with Psywave is your best bet. However, thanks to Thunder Fang coverage on Steelix — as well as the buff to the move in the Season 21 GBL balance changes — you can hope to turn the match around against Talonflame, the most common Fire-type threat in the meta.

4) Gastrodon, Shadow Tentacruel, and Mandibuzz

Gastrodon, Shadow Tentacruel, and Mandibuzz (Image via TPC)
Gastrodon, Shadow Tentacruel, and Mandibuzz (Image via TPC)
PokemonRoleFast AttackCharged Attacks
GastrodonLeadMud-SlapBody Slam and Earth Power
Shadow TentacruelSwitchPoison JabScald and Blizzard
MandibuzzCloserSnarlDark Pulse and Aerial Ace
  • Strengths: Bug, Dark, Fighting, Fire, Ghost, Ground, Poison, Psychic, Steel, and Water
  • Weaknesses: Electric, Grass, and Flying.
  • Biggest threats: Galarian Moltres, Shadow Zapdos, Bombirdier
  • Tips for using this team: Keep Gastrodon away from Fying-types. If you see an enemy team with two fliers, try to fight for switch advantage.

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5) Cobalion, Shadow Feraligatr, and Shadow Dusknoir

Cobalion, Shadow Feraligatr, and Shadow Dusknoir (Image via TPC)
Cobalion, Shadow Feraligatr, and Shadow Dusknoir (Image via TPC)
PokemonRoleFast AttackCharged Attacks
CobalionLeadDouble KickStone Edge and Sacred Sword*
Shadow FeraligatrSwitchShadow ClawIce Beam and Hydro Cannon*
Shadow DusknoirCloserAstonishShadow Punch and Shadow Ball*
  • Strengths: Bug, Dragon, Fighting, Ice, Normal, Poison, Rock, Steel, and Water
  • Weaknesses: Electric, Ghost, and Ground
  • Biggest threats: Pangoro, Malamar, Shadow Staraptor, and Chesnaught
  • Tips for using this team: Dusknoir is a very cool pick, as long as it is not switch-locked against a Normal or Dark-type critter. The mono-Ghost moveset renders it completely useless.

6) Pangoro, Clefable, and Shadow Gengar

Pangoro, Clefable, and Shadow Gengar (Image via TPC)
Pangoro, Clefable, and Shadow Gengar (Image via TPC)
PokemonRoleFast AttackCharged Attacks
PangoroLeadKarate ChopNight Slash and Close Combat
ClefableSwitchFairy WindSwift and Moonblast
Shadow GengarCloserShadow ClawShadow Punch and Sludge Bomb
  • Strengths: Bug, Dark, Dragon, Fighting, Grass, Normal, Poison, and Rock
  • Weaknesses: Fairy, Flying, Ground, and Steel
  • Biggest threats: Nidoqueen, Skuntank, Clodsire, Shadow Ninetales, Muk, and Shadow Pidgeot
  • Tips for using this team: Save shields for either Pangoro or Shadow Gengar, depending on the matchups that you see. Up shields, there are few creatures that can take them down.

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7) Shadow Machamp, Shadow Drapion, and Shadow Skuntank

Shadow Machamp, Shadow Drapion, and Shadow Skuntank (Image via TPC)
Shadow Machamp, Shadow Drapion, and Shadow Skuntank (Image via TPC)
PokemonRoleFast AttackCharged Attacks
Shadow MachampLeadKarate Chop*Stone Edge* and Cross Chop
Shadow DrapionSwitchPoison StingAqua Tail and Crunch
Shadow SkuntankCloserPoison JabCrunch and Trailblaze
  • Strengths: Bug, Dark, Ghost, Grass, Poison, Psychic, and Rock
  • Weaknesses: Fairy, Flying, and Ground
  • Biggest threats: Complete Forme Zygarde, Nidoqueen, Golurk, Dragalge, Shadow Hippowdon
  • Tips for using this team: This is a relatively high-skill team. Therefore, you need to know your Pokemon GO Charged Attack timings and move counts well to steer this team.

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8) Clefable, Shadow Golurk, and Shadow Feraligatr

Clefable, Shadow Golurk, and Shadow Feraligatr (Image via TPC)
Clefable, Shadow Golurk, and Shadow Feraligatr (Image via TPC)
PokemonRoleFast AttackCharged Attacks
ClefableLeadFairy WindSwift and Moonblast
Shadow GolurkSwitchMud Slap
Shadow Punch and Dynamic Punch
Shadow FeraligatrCloserShadow ClawIce Beam and Hydro Cannon*
  • Strengths: Bug, Dragon, Electric, Fighting, Fire, Normal, Poison, and Rock
  • Weaknesses: Ghost, Grass
  • Biggest threats: Swampert, Abomasnow, Shadow Feraligatr, Serperior, Shadow and Victreebel
  • Tips for using this team: Shadow Golurk and Shadow Feraligatr cancel out each other's weaknesses well. If you run into Grass-types try to flip the script by investing shields.

9) Alolan Sandslash, Cobalion, and Altered Forme Giratina

Alolan Sandslash, Cobalion, and Altered Forme Giratina (Image via TPC)
Alolan Sandslash, Cobalion, and Altered Forme Giratina (Image via TPC)
PokemonRoleFast AttackCharged Attacks
Alolan SandslashLeadPowder SnowIce Punch and Dill Run
CobalionSwitchDouble KickStone Edge and Sacred Sword*
Giratina (Altered Forme)SwitchShadow ClawShadow Sneak and Dragon Claw
  • Strengths: Bug, Dragon, Electric, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel, and Water
  • Weaknesses: Fighting, Fire, Ghost, and Ground
  • Biggest threats: Dusknoir, Pangoro, Malamar, Drifblim, Shadow Politoed, and Shadow Staraptor
  • Tips for using this team: Alolan Sandslash is the most vulnerable critter on this team. Try to not have it switch locked.

Also read: Pokemon GO Max Battles: Everything you need to know

10) Talonflame, Guzzlord, and Cresselia

Talonflame, Guzzlord, and Cresselia (Image via TPC)
Talonflame, Guzzlord, and Cresselia (Image via TPC)
PokemonRoleFast AttackCharged Attacks
TalonflameLeadIncinerateFly and Brave Bird
GuzzlordSwitchDragon TailBrutal Swing and Sludge Bomb
CresseliaCloserPsycho CutGrass Knot* and Moonblast
  • Strengths: Bug, Fighting, Fire, Grass, Ground, Psychic, and Steel
  • Weaknesses: Dragon, Fairy, Ice, and Rock
  • Biggest threats: Complete Forme Zygarde, Miltank, Shadow Tentacruel, Shadow Staraptor, Samurottt, and Shadow Ho-Oh
  • Tips for using this team: You can replace Cresselia with its Shadow Form if you have that buil for a more aggressive playstyle.

Pokemon GO Ultra League Season 21 schedule

The open Ultra League will be available over the following periods during the Pokemon GO Dual Destiny season:

  • December 10 - December 17, 2024
  • December 24 - December 31, 2024
  • January 7 - January 14, 2025
  • January 21 - January 28, 2025
  • February 4 - February 11, 2025
  • February 18 - February 25, 2025

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Edited by Dinesh Renthlei
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