Pokemon GO is one of the most successful mobile games ever to hit the mobile market. Bringing the highest-grossing media franchise in history to a mobile platform accessible by almost everybody has led to massive success.
The game's constant content updates help contribute to its long lifespan. With Pokemon GO currently in its "Season of Alola" wave of content updates, many fans have turned their attention to Pokemon from the Alola Region.
While Pokemon native to the Alola region are just now being added, the Alolan variants of Pokemon have been present in the game for a long time. Alolan variants are becoming much more common for players to find in the wild, thanks to the Season of Alola.
However, with every new batch of common Pokemon found in the wild, the shiny hunting community will keep their ears to the ground to find out which Pokemon have their shiny variants included.
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Shiny Alolan Geodude in Pokemon GO: Fact or fiction?
Alolan Geodude has become a Pokemon of interest recently. This is thanks to its recent announcement of being the Pokemon of focus for May 2022's Community Day event. Alolan Geodude sets itself apart due to it trading its Ground typing for an Electric one as well as some nice eyebrows and hair.
While Community Days are typically known for being the first time players can encounter a specific shiny variant, Alolan Geodude is different. Shiny Alolan Geodude is already in Pokemon GO.
Players lucky enough can encounter and catch one right now. However, players may want to wait before hunting. As experienced players would know, Community Days brings an exclusive attack with them.
Spotlight Pokemon for the event will receive a special exclusive charged attack if they reach their final evolution during the event. This charged attack typically ends up being the best charged attack the Pokemon can learn for battle.
For players still looking to get their hands on a shiny Alolan Geodude now or would like to help their odds for the future, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Items like the Incense and Lure Modules work wonders to find shiny Pokemon as they increase the general spawn rate of an area. The Incense works by attaching itself to the player to increase spawn rates around them.
For Alolan Geodude, the Magnetic Lure Module works best as it increases the spawn rate of Electric-type Pokemon. Using both of these items in tandem is the best way to increase the general spawn rate of an area.
Weather also plays a crucial role in Pokemon GO. The weather in a given area helps dictate what Pokemon can spawn for that area. The game tries to reflect the actual weather of the player's location, so a quick check of the player's weather app is a good idea before heading out. Rainy and partly cloudy weather works best.
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