Returning to the limelight during Pokemon GO's global Hoenn Tour, Deoxys is a Mythical Pocket Monster capable of battling in different forms. Even better, each available Deoxys form will be available during the event.
However, some new Pokemon GO players or those who may not be familiar with Deoxys may be wondering if it has a shiny form in the game.
The answer is yes, and each Deoxys form received its shiny counterpart back in 2020. This means that the Hoenn Tour is an excellent opportunity to catch shiny Deoxys if players can grind 5-star raids during the event.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
It's a task that's easier said than done, but determined Pokemon GO players may just get lucky.
How to catch shiny Deoxys during Pokemon GO's global Hoenn Tour

Pokemon GO's global Hoenn Tour will start on February 25, 2023, at 10:00 am and last until February 26, 2023, at 6:00 pm local time.
This doesn't give trainers enough time to take advantage of all the global Hoenn Tour's available content, like Primal Groudon and Kyogre raids, the hourly Field Research challenge between Teams Ruby and Sapphire, and more. However, if players are determined to catch a shiny Deoxys, they won't have a lack of opportunities during the event.
During the Hoenn Tour, Pokemon GO players can find each form of Deoxys (Normal, Attack, Defense, Speed) as 5-star raid bosses. Any of these forms have the potential to be shiny when encountered, and trainers will likely have to defeat Deoxys in raids multiple times to trigger a shiny appearance.
As a 5-star raid boss, most Pokemon GO players will likely need to bring along some friends to take down Deoxys quickly and effectively.
It's also recommended to build battle teams centered around Deoxys' elemental weaknesses, so trainers should focus on using Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type Pokemon and moves to achieve victory. Mega Evolution can also be a huge help and lasts long enough for players to complete multiple raids before the evolution wears off.
Each time Deoxys falls in a raid, players will be placed into an encounter where they can catch the Pokemon. Depending on how quickly the raid was completed, they should receive a number of Premier Balls and berries to assist them in the capture effort.
It can take more than a few catch encounters for shiny Deoxys to appear in any form. This means players will likely need to raid as often as possible during the Hoenn Tour to maximize their chances.
Unfortunately, given the relatively short window that the Hoenn Tour will be occurring globally, not every trainer may be able to capture a shiny Deoxys. However, this isn't a reason to worry, as Deoxys is quite popular, and its various forms can be found in the raid rotation during different events throughout the year.
Barring some unusual change of direction from Niantic, players should be able to see Deoxys again in the raid arena well after the Hoenn Tour has concluded. A little patience can go quite a long way in this regard.
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