Niantic constantly updates the raid rotation in Pokemon GO, and the latest one introduces us to the Fairy-and Psychic-type monster, Mega Gardevoir, that you can encounter in Mega raids. The developers ensure you find distinct powerhouses via raids. With that said, you'll have to fight against this Mega-evolved creature to gain control of the gym. Doing so will allow you to add a new offensive powerhouse to your collection.
Interestingly, Mega Gardevoir also has a Shiny version that you can find. But before that, make sure you raid with your friends. Include perfect counters, bring healing items like Revive and Max Revive, and use the best movesets with great IVs monsters.
As a Mega raid boss, its Combat Power (CP) is boosted. This raid might get challenging depending on the level of a player. Nevertheless, this guide helps you obtain Shiny Mega Gardevoir in Pokemon GO.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Pokemon GO: Mega Gardevoir weaknesses, resistance, type, and more

To get the Shiny Mega Gardevoir, you must first take down Mega Gardevoir in Mega raids. They're weak to Poison, Ghost, and Steel-type attacks while resisting Dragon, Fighting, and Psychic-type moves. You must exploit its vulnerability and pay less attention to its resistance.
Mega Gardevoir possesses excellent battle capabilities. It has an outstanding stat spread of 326 Atk, 229 Def, and 169 Sta. With an attack-centric power and a max CP of 5101, careful consideration is required before engaging in a battle with it. Additionally, the featured critter's CP is raised in raids. Windy and Cloudy weather further increases its CP. With all these in mind, you must attempt the Mega raid.
Pokemon GO: How to beat Mega Gardevoir and the best counters

The best movesets of Mega Gardevoir deal increased damage to your counters in Pokemon GO. You must include powerhouses in your battle team that can dish out heavy damage to this Mega monster.
Simultaneously, your countering creatures must have a well-balanced stat spread. Mega Gardevoir is weak to Poison, Ghost, and Steel-type moves, so your counters must include these typings. Any other moves will work in its favor.
Pokemon GO meta-knowledge is certainly helpful to make the quick work of the raid boss. Mega Gardevoir's focused power is its Attack and Defense power, and by forming a battle roster with great offense and defense capacity, you can defeat Mega Gardevoir.
Pokemon GO Mega raids host robust critters and going solo against them is highly challenging. So, bringing at least four fellow experienced trainers, including you, increases the chances of getting Gardevoir and Shiny Gardevoir.
With everyone using moves the boss is weak against, they can deal maximum damage. A great strategy is to add all Mega counters to your team. However, not all raid enthusiasts have access to those counters.
Here are the best counters, including Mega, Shadow, and regular, with Fast and Charged moves.
Best Mega Counters for Mega Gardevoir:
- Mega Gengar: Lick and Shadow Ball
- Mega Banette: Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Mega Rayquaza: Air Slash and Dragon Ascent
- Mega Beedrill: Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb
- Mega Aggron: Iron Tail and Heavy Slam
Best Shadow Counters for Mega Gardevoir:
- Shadow Metagross: Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash
- Shadow Cursola: Hex and Shadow Ball
- Shadow Banette: Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Shadow Drifblim: Hex and Shadow Ball
- Shadow Mismagius: Hex and Shadow Ball
Best Regular Counters for Mega Gardevoir:
- Giratina (Origin Forme): Shadow Claw and Shadow Force
- Gholdengo: Hex and Shadow Ball
- Chandelure: Hex and Shadow Ball
- Hoopa (Unbound): Astonish and Shadow Ball
- Nihilego: Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb
How to find Shiny Mega Gardevoir in Pokemon GO

You must first catch a Shiny Gardevoir in Pokemon GO to obtain a Shiny Mega Gardevoir, which may appear nearby after winning the raid against the boss. Shiny Mega Pokemon are rare encounters, and only those who are lucky can come across one. That said, Mega raid is an excellent opportunity to get lucky and obtain Mega Energy simultaneously.
However, Shiny Gardevoir isn't a guaranteed encounter in Pokemon GO. You might have to participate multiple times in raids to increase your chances of finding it. Once caught, you can evolve Shiny Gardevoir into Shiny Mega Gardevoir using 200 Mega Energy. You can collect Mega Energy by winning the raid or walking with any 'mons from its family line as a buddy.
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