Can you hatch Larvesta from 2km egg in Pokemon GO?

Eggs in Pokemon GO
Hatching eggs can give you some rare shiny critters (Image via Niantic)

If there is one non-legendary creature that 90% of the Pokemon GO community is crazy about, it has to be Larvesta. This critter along with its evolution, Volcarona, first introduced itself during the “An Instinctive Hero” event which was added to the game on May 2, 2023. Since it is extremely difficult to hatch a Larvesta in Pokemon GO, players will often consider themselves lucky if they get one from their eggs.


They are known to be disappointing, as more often than usual, eggs hatch critters that they can encounter in the wild. So, you will get to hear that spending money on Incubators is not worth it.

However, there are certain occasions when people will receive extremely rare critters from these eggs. Though not many, people often take to platforms like Reddit and Twitter to share their rare hatches, and for some odd reason, most of the community love Larvesta.

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How to hatch a Larvesta from 2 km eggs in Pokemon GO?


Here are the steps to hatch eggs in the game:

  • Step 1: Click on the Pokeball icon on your screen.
  • Step 2: Click on the Pokemon button.
  • Step 3: Click on the Eggs tab or use the swipe gesture to go to the right page. You will find all the eggs if you have any in your account.
  • Step 4: Click on the egg that you want to hatch and then click on Incubate.
  • Step 5: A pop-up will appear asking you which Incubator you want to use (if you have more than one Incubator in your account).
  • Step 6: Start walking with your game open to get the required distance for the egg to hatch.

Since Larvesta is one of the rarest critters in the egg hatch pool, it was not believed to be hatchable from 2 km eggs. But a recent Reddit post changed that notion.

Reddit user u/the1stmeddlingmage shared a screenshot that showed a Larvesta that they claimed to have hatched from a 2 km egg. It is one of the rarest occurrences in the game, and you must consider yourself blessed by the Pokemon Gods if this happens to you.


They said:

“It’s not a myth! They can hatch from 2K eggs!!!!!”

You can feel the excitement in this statement, and the same was reflected in the comments. This is what some of the other trainers had to say in the comments of the same post:


Pokemon GO egg hatch pool for 2023

Posts from the pokemongo community on Reddit

2 km eggs: The following critters can be hatched from 2 km eggs-

  • Common: Staryu*, Magikarp*, Igglybuff*, Magby*, Fomantis*, and Wimpod
  • Rare: Cleffa* and Azurill*
  • Ultra Rare: Larvesta

5 km eggs: The following critters can be hatched from 5 km eggs-

  • Common: Omanyte*, Kabuto*, Shuckle*, Roggenrola*, and Mareanie
  • Uncommon: Machop* and Tyrogue*
  • Very Rare: Sableye*, Chingling, and Bonsly*
  • Ultra Rare: Larvesta

5 km Adventure Sync eggs: The following critters can be hatched from 5 km Adventure Sync eggs-

  • Cranidos*
  • Shieldon*
  • Munchlax*
  • Happiny*
  • Mantyke*
  • Frillish*
  • Stunfisk*

7 km eggs: The following critters can be hatched from 7 km eggs-

  • Common: Galarian Meowth*, Hisuian Voltorb, and Galarian Stunfisk*
  • Uncommon: Alolan Meowth*, Galarian Ponyta*, Galarian Farfetch’d*, and Hisuian Qwilfish
  • Rare: Alolan Vulpix*, Galarian Slowpoke*, and Hisuian Sneasel
  • Very Rare: Galarian Zigzagoon* and Hisuian Growlithe
  • Ultra Rare: Galarian Darumaka*

10 km eggs: The following critters can be hatched from 10 km eggs-

  • Common: Mawile* and Emolga
  • Uncommon: Bagon*, Tirtouga*, Archen*, Tyrunt*, and Amaura*
  • Rare: Deino* and Rockruff*
  • Very Rare: Goomy* and Jangmo-o
  • Ultra Rare: Larvesta

10 km Adventure Sync eggs: The following critters can be hatched from 10 km Adventure Sync eggs-

  • Beldum*
  • Gible*
  • Riolu*
  • Goomy*
  • Rockruff*
  • Dratini*
  • Galarian Yamask*

12 km eggs: The following critters can be hatched from 12 km eggs-

  • Pawniard*
  • Vullaby*
  • Scraggy
  • Larvitar*
  • Pancham*
  • Sandile
  • Skrelp
  • Deino*
  • Salandit
  • Skorupi*
  • Absol*
  • Inkay*

What are Pokemon GO eggs?


Eggs in the game are exactly what they are in real life. The only difference being you cannot consume eggs here. Instead, you hatch baby creatures that would otherwise be extremely hard to encounter in some cases.

You can obtain eggs by spinning PokeStops, Photo Discs in Gyms or opening Gifts from your friends. Once you obtain an egg, you must incubate them and walk in real life with your game running to hatch them in Pokemon GO.


All Pokemon GO Egg Incubators


There are three types of Egg Incubators in Pokemon GO:

  • Unlimited Egg Incubator: This is also known as the Infinite Incubator, and it is the default Incubator that comes with the game. You can use this as many times as you want to, but you can only hatch one egg at a time. The in-game description reads, “A device that incubates an Egg as you walk until it is ready to hatch. Unlimited use!
  • Blue Incubator: This is also known as the Limited Incubator. You can buy this from the in-game shop or receive it through Research questlines. It gives you a 1x distance multiplier and each of these can be used three times. You can buy this incubator for 150 PokeCoins or get it in Special Value Boxes in the shop. The in-game description reads, “A device that incubates an Egg as you walk until it is ready to hatch. Breaks after three uses.
  • Super Incubator: If you are willing to spend money on Incubators, these will give you the best value. These Incubators will give you a 0.67x distance multiplier, and you can use each for three eggs. The in-game description reads, “A more powerful Egg Incubator helps Eggs hatch quickly. Breaks after three uses.

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Edited by Anirudh Padmanabhan
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