Regice, the Ice-type member of the Legendary Titans in Pokemon GO, is a capable combatant thanks to its durability. This, among other reasons, is part of why it remains a popular Pocket Monster to catch.
However, other trainers may be curious about catching a specific version of Regice: its shiny form. Prospective shiny hunters may be curious about whether this colossal frozen Pokemon has a shiny form available to catch in the game.
Fortunately, the answer is yes. Regice's shiny form was introduced during the A Colossal Discovery event in November 2019. As long as Pokemon GO trainers can enter a capture encounter with Regice, there's a slim chance that they may encounter its shiny form.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Additionally, there's a great opportunity for players to encounter shiny Regice at the moment.
How to catch shiny Regice in Pokemon GO in January 2023

Beginning on January 19, 2023, Pokemon GO trainers will find Regice as a 5-star raid boss during the Lunar New Year event. The event will run until January 23, 2023. While this isn't a huge window for players to catch a shiny Regice, it's the earliest opportunity until the creature reappears in a different capacity during Niantic's content schedule.
Regice may remain a 5-star raid boss for a few days after the event. However, raid rotations move quickly, and it won't be long before it is cycled out by a new boss.
As a 5-star boss, Regice is no pushover. Its already incredible durability is made even more fearsome as it is increased by the boost all raid bosses receive. If players are going to spend raid passes to take it on, they'll want the right Pokemon team to defeat it and a few fellow trainers following the same counter-strategy.
In Pokemon GO, Regice can be defeated easily by utilizing Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel-type Pokemon and moves.
Recommended counters to Regice in Pokemon GO by Type
- Fire-Type: Reshiram, Chandelure, Darmanitan, Blaziken, Moltres, Heatran, Entei.
- Fighting-Type: - Terrakion, Keldeo, Pheromosa, Lucario, Blaziken, Galarian Zapdos, Conkeldurr, Breloom.
- Rock-Type: Terrakion, Rampardos, Rhyperior, Aggron, Tyranitar, Tyrantrum, Gigalith, Regirock, Aerodactyl.
- Steel-Type: Metagross, Aggron, Steelix, Scizor, Dialga, Zacian, Excadrill, Genesect, Perrserker, Bisharp, Lucario, Empoleon.
There are many additional counters for Pokemon GO trainers to utilize as long as they fit the necessary elemental types that counter Regice.
Granted, simply defeating Regice during the Lunar New Year won't guarantee a shiny appearance. However, repeated raids may just reward players' efforts.
It won't be cheap, as the number of raid passes to find a shiny can often be quite high. However, trainers can sometimes get lucky and trigger the chance for a shiny to appear earlier than expected. Each time the raid is repeated, it's simply a roll of the dice.
If trainers don't find shiny Regice during the Lunar New Year event, they don't need to worry. The popular Ice titan pops up quite frequently, alongside Regirock and Registeel, during Pokemon GO events throughout the year.
Waiting can be rough for players who miss out on catching shiny Regice at the beginning of 2023, but patience can lead to another opportunity down the line.
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