Although it is one of the rarest finds in Pokemon GO, players could stumble upon a shiny Sandhrew.
Sandshrew is a commonly found, Ground-type Pokemon. Sandshrew evolves into Sandlash, utilizing quick moves such as Mud Shot, Scratch, and Rock Slide. However, it still has a weakness against Grass, Ice, and Water Moves. Never use this Pokemon to try to defeat Darmanitan or Kyogre, as they are Water and Ice-type Pokemon (Sandshrew’s weaknesses).
The shiny Sandshrew is a super rare green Pokemon in Pokemon GO, originally only found in Japan. Nevertheless, it is reported that the coveted shiny friend is found worldwide. But don’t plan to go out and find one anytime soon. The chances of catching one are scarce.
Specifics on The Shiny Sandshrew in Pokemon GO
Shiny Sandshrew was released exclusively in Japan in 2018 during the Totorri Sand Dunes Festival. With the Pokemon having become a permanent addition to the game, there is no time crunch for trainers to get their hands on one.
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Don’t be fooled. There is a misconception that the shiny version of Sandshrew is the Alola Pokemon, which it is not. The Alola Form Sandshrew is a blue Ice and Steel Sandshrew, and it is also commonly found in Pokemon GO. It is possible to hatch this Pokemon from an egg or come across one in the wild.
The good news is, there is an upcoming community day in Pokemon GO, which increases the odds of coming across a shiny Pokemon in the wild. Outside of Community Day, using incense can increase the chances of one spawning as we.
The best places to go to find a Sandshrew in the wild are woodland areas or farmland, but it has been known to spawn in suburban areas as well. To be very specific, any area that is wide open like a field or a park will likely spawn a sandshrew. With a bit of luck, players may just stumble across a shiny version as well.
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