Pokemon GO hosts a variety of events in order to keep its community invested in the gameplay. While most players are familiar with the monthly Community Day, others prefer the smaller weekly events that give trainers opportunities to fill their Pokedexes more easily. The most well-known of these occasions is the Spotlight Hour.
Spotlight Hours are seen as mini-Community Days where players can more easily find uncommon creatures. Players who already have such Pocket Monsters in their collections still choose to participate in an attempt to find a shiny variant.
With the next Spotlight Hour featuring Sunkern, many trainers may not feel tempted to participate, given the creature's low value. However, shiny hunters may want to take part in the event to add another unique creature to their collections.
Since not every shiny Pokemon can be found in Pokemon GO, players will need to do their research before pursuing this rare variant of the spotlight creature.
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Shiny Sunkern is available in Pokemon GO

It has been confirmed that Sunkern is available in its shiny form during Pokemon GO's upcoming Spotlight Hour event. However, despite what some players may have heard, shiny Pokemon do not have an increased spawn rate during the event. This confusion is typically caused by the monthly Community Day.
The first and most commonly overlooked detail that shiny hunters should keep in mind is the climate of the area they decide to hunt in. Much like the main series, the weather of a given area plays a key role in determining what creatures can spawn there. In the case of Sunkern, it has the highest chance of spawning in sunny weather.
Once players find an area to hunt in, the next step is to secure a patrol route. These are areas where players walk to hit various Pokestops in succession. Once trainers find a patrol route, including around three Pokestops or Gym locations, they will need to secure Lure Modules to each of the landmarks to increase the general spawn rate of the area, allowing more Sunkern to spawn.
Once players have their area set up, they can pop an Incense and begin the hunt. Incenses work similarly to Lure Modules. The key difference is that Lure Modules work by attaching to Pokestops, while Incenses attach to the trainer's avatar.
By using this method of shiny hunting in Pokemon GO, players will greatly increase the general spawn rate of the area, decreasing the time needed for a shiny Sunkern to spawn.
Though this approach does not guarantee an encounter with a shiny Sunkern, it is the best way for trainers to manipulate the odds of doing so.
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