A Pokemon that can often be found in coastal areas, Wingull has been in Pokemon GO for years, since the Hoenn region's sky Pokemon were introduced in February 2018.
When fed 50 candies, Wingull evolves into Pelipper, the Water Bird Pokemon in Pokemon GO. However, some trainers who may be new or who have returned from a lapse in playing may be wondering if Wingull is available to catch in its shiny form. Fortunately, the answer is yes. Wingull and Pelipper's shiny forms were added during August 2018's Safari Zone event in Yokosuka, Japan.
However, catching a shiny Wingull outside of an event that features it is difficult, but it is nonetheless possible.
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Pokemon GO: Catching shiny Wingull

Like catching many shiny Pokemon in Pokemon GO, trainers will have to remain determined in order to land a chance encounter with the rare Pokemon variation. Unless there's an ongoing event, shiny Pokemon tend to be considerably rare, even if they're more prevalent now than in older versions of the mainline Pokemon games.
Regardless, without assistance from a Community Day, Spotlight Hour, or other specific event, trainers will simply have to stick to the tried and true methods. They must hope that they're lucky enough to trigger a small chance that a shiny will appear.
Tips for Catching shiny Wingull in Pokemon GO
- For Wingull in particular, Pokemon GO trainers may want to search for the Pokemon near bodies of water, including lakes and rivers. Water-type Pokemon can sometimes frequent these locales.
- Keep moving! If trainers stay in motion, they're more likely to refresh the spawns around them as opposed to when they're remaining stationary.
- If trainers are still having trouble, it's not a bad idea to use an incense or lure module, which will increase the spawns around the player or an attached Pokestop, respectively. At the moment, no specialized lure modules can attract Wingull, so Pokemon GO trainers may have to rely on a standard lure module.
- If all else fails, trainers may want to consider using a third-party app or site to track the movements and spawns of Pokemon. This can point to where Wingull is reportedly spawning. This method provides users with an opportunity to increase their encounters with the Pokemon. More encounters means more chances for a shiny to appear, so trainers will want to take every opportunity they can get.
Unfortunately, there's no way to guarantee a shiny will spawn most of the time in-game, so simply staying dedicated and encountering as many Wingull as possible is the primary way to spot a shiny; this also applies to other Pokemon.
When a player sets out on a quest to find a shiny Pokemon, they must always remember one thing: patience is key.
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