Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl has reimagined one of the original's best features and delivered the Grand Underground.
In the Grand Underground, there is much more to do than just interact with other players or create a cool base. There are Hideaways that host some pretty rare Pokemon.
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Pokemon Hideaways are special environments in the Grand Underground that are constantly changing. They can even be changed depending on the decorations players have in their base.
Every Pokemon found in the Grand Underground of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

The biomes of the Grand Underground are the perfect place to catch some powerful Pokemon early on in the game. These are creatures that players won't find in the normal overworld of the Sinnoh region.
There are 35 known Pokemon found in the Grand Underground of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. A few are exclusive to each game, with 29 being available in both.
Pokemon available in both games
- Absol
- Cricketot
- Duskull
- Budew
- Bidoof
- Gabite
- Gastly
- Gastrodon
- Geodude
- Gible
- Glalie
- Houndoom
- Lickitung
- Magnemite
- Machop
- Onix
- Psyduck
- Ralts
- Roselia
- Rhyhorn
- Shellos
- Shinx
- Smoochum
- Snorunt
- Swablu
- Swinub
- Togepi
- Burmy
- Zubat
Pokemon exclusive to Brilliant Diamond
- Scyther
- Gligar
- Elekid
Pokemon exclusive to Shining Pearl
- Pinsir
- Teddiursa
- Magby
How to access the Grand Underground

If players want to catch some of these Pokemon in the Grand Underground of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, they will need to know how to access these special Hideaways.
One will receive the Explorer Kit item in Eterna City. An old man will give it to them in a house next to the Pokemon Center. Players can't leave the city or progress without learning how to use it.
Once players have the Explorer Kit, they can access the Grand Underground to start building their base or visit Hideaways. Hideaways are tucked away rooms that one can enter while roaming the Grand Underground.
Players can just walk into the entrance and find their character in a Hideaway. They will see a variety of different types of biomes as they explore along with plenty of the creatures above to add to their Pokedex.
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