The City habitat offers a nice change of pace to the Pokemon that trainers can find in the wild.
The habitat rotation is one of several new innovations for this year’s Pokemon GO Fest. Each habitat features several rare spawns, some of which trainers haven’t seen in a long time. While the City habitat is in rotation, it will give many trainers the opportunity to see new encounters unless they naturally live in an urban area.
The event will last for eight hours, from 10 AM to 6 PM local time. During these hours, each habitat will be under the spotlight for one hour at a time, receiving a total of two hours by the end of the day.
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Which Pokemon should trainers expect when the City habitat is in rotation?
It may seem odd to think of Pokemon in a City habitat (no wild grass in cities in the main series). However since nature isn’t really a theme here, many of the spawns will have human like features. There are also a couple of Steel-types to match the industrial setting.
The full list of spawns when the City habitat will be on rotation is as follows:
- Magnemite
- Alolan Grimer
- Alolan Muk
- Hitmonchan
- Baltoy
- Burmy (Trash form)
- Bronzor
- Pidove
- Trubbish
- Gothita
- Gothorita
- Golett
- Golurk
- Litten
A couple of more rare spawns in the City habitat will be Gracidea Pikachu and Galraian Weezing. Ticket holders who use incense can also attract Galarian Weezing as well as Klink.

Many trainers will be excited for this habitat, especially those who might have slept through the Welcome to Alola event. Now, they will get a second chance to catch Litten, the Alolan Fire-type starter.
Litten evolves into Incineroar, one of the more famous faces in the series. It is one of the lucky few to be featured in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Incineroar has also been the most used option in past VGC seasons over the years.
This event also gives trainers a decent shot at catching Alolan Grimer. This guy usually has to be hatched with a 7 km egg. What hatches from any egg, though, all comes down to the luck of the draw. It may be refreshing to simply look for this in the wild, especially since its Shiny form will be available.
In terms of power level, the strongest pick here might be Magnemite. Its final evolution in Magnezone can snap opposing health bars in a hurry. This is due to the combination of the Wild Charge move and Magnezone’s huge 238 Attack stat.
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