Lucario is one of the strongest Pokemon that players can come across in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Whether one is taking on Maylene and her Lucario or fighting one in the wild in hopes of gaining EXP or capturing it, they still face an uphill task.
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Lucario is an extremely strong and formidable creature, so knowing the best ways to counter one is a necessity. As a Steel/Fighting-type, players can inflict supereffective damage with Fighting, Ground, and Fire-type attacks.
Defeating Lucario in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Lucario's weaknesses

As Steel-type Pokemon is generally weak to Fighting, Ground, and Fire-type attacks. On the other hand, a Fighting-type Pokemon is typically weak to Flying, Fairy, and Psychic-type maneuvers.
Since Lucario has both of those typings in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the Steel-typing negates all of the supereffective attacks that would normally hurt pure Fighting-types.
Having said that, Lucario will exhibit all of the same weaknesses as seen in regular Steel-types. Therefore, Fighting, Ground, and Fire-types will be handy in this battle.
Counters against Lucario

Lucario has a wide range of attacks at its disposal. This Pokemon is also very fast, making it a dangerous foe to encounter. However, knowing some solid counters should help.
Here are some Pokemon that can counter Lucario rather well:
- Infernape
- Torterra
- Garchomp
- Machamp
- Rapidash
Two of the starter Pokemon in BDSP will have a massive advantage against Lucario. Infernape can deal Fighting and Fire-type damage with a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB). The bonus will be in effect with Torterra as well due to its Ground-type moves.
Garchomp is another solid Ground-type choice. Machamp is a powerful pure Fighting-type while Rapidash is a good Fire-type option if players go for Piplup in the beginning of the game.
Attacks such as Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Close Combat, Mach Punch, Earthquake, and Bulldoze will make sure Lucario lasts a few rounds at best.
Coupled with that, there are Pokemon outside of those type advantages that can learn super effective moves against Lucario. They won't receive the STAB, but could catch Lucario's trainer off guard.
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