Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's introduction of Paradox species proved to be a hit with fans, and this has led to fans asking for more Pocket Monsters to receive their own Paradox counterparts from the future or the past. While it's unclear as to whether or not Game Freak will continue with Paradox species beyond Scarlet/Violet, the appetite for more is certainly palpable.
On that note, many fans have called for several Hoenn region Pokemon to receive Paradox variants, and this is understandable considering the popularity of the Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire games. If Game Freak does consider adding Hoenn region Paradox creatures, there are a few that they may want to consider first and foremost.
5 Hoenn region Pokemon that deserve Paradox variants in the future
1) Metagross

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Metagross is undoubtedly one of the most popular Hoenn region Pokemon, as well as one of the most popular critters of all time in all likelihood. While this pseudo-legendary already looks pretty futuristic, perhaps Game Freak should introduce a past Paradox variation that looks more archaic or primal. Considering the high-tech-looking standard Metagross, it could make for an interesting change.
Perhaps a past Paradox Metagross could be party Rock-type instead of Steel, or maybe change its second type from Psychic to Ghost or Dark, making it an inverted Metagross when it comes to type combinations.
2) Rayquaza

There's no question that Rayquaza is one of the most beloved legendary species ever conceived. While it's considered a super-ancient species alongside Groudon and Kyogre in the Hoenn region, what might a futuristic Paradox version of Rayquaza look like? Would it be more cybernetic, like many future Paradox creatures, or could its biology have advanced to be more complex?
Whatever Game Freak decides, the prospect of a Rayquaza flying through the skies in the distant future (perhaps even through the galaxy and open space) is an exciting one to visualize.
3) Gardevoir

Its counterpart Gallade received a Paradox variant known as Iron Valiant, so doesn't it stand to reason that Gardevoir deserves a Paradox Pokemon of its own? Since Iron Valiant is futuristic, perhaps Game Freak could introduce a past Paradox iteration of Gardevoir that's a little more primal compared to the metallic and robotic Iron Valiant.
Ideally, changing Gardevoir's type for its new Paradox variant would be a good call as well, as Paradox species like Scream Tail already have the Fairy/Psychic type combination covered.
4) Absol

Absol is a pretty intriguing creature from a lore perspective and boasts an interesting design, but its battle applications aren't too impressive. This could be easily addressed by introducing a past or future Paradox variant for Absol, and its unique appearance and background lore could be particularly effective when viewed through the lens of a faraway time.
A Paradox Absol could benefit substantially from boosted stats and a new ability while also receiving a second elemental type, making it more well-rounded and useful in battles compared to its contemporary counterpart.
5) Wailord

Wailord's massive size makes it intimidating despite its relatively peaceful nature in the wild, but there's room to expand on its design. Perhaps a futuristic Paradox Wailord could be reminiscent of a space vessel complete with plenty of firepower to battle its opponents. It wouldn't be a foreign concept for Water-type species, as Gigantamax Blastoise is essentially a mobile weapons platform.
It might be difficult for Game Freak to pull off a futuristic war machine iteration of Wailord, but it's hard not to think that it wouldn't catch on with fans.
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