Many Pokemon GO trainers are currently trying to beat Absol in Raids to try and catch that shiny.
Unfortunately, Absol can be really difficult to defend against. Not too many types resist Dark, and Absol has other attacks that can surprise opponents (Thunder, Megahorn, etc.). The good news is that it is about as frail as a piece of paper (only has 120 Defense), so the top counters are going to have speedy times to win.
Which Pokemon deal the most damage to Absol?
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Absol is a Dark-type, which means it is weak to Fighting, Fairy, and Bug. If trainers want to have an easy time battling it, they would like to focus on Fighting. Simply put, there are too many Fighting-types that have enormous Attack stats and high DPS.
Shadow Machamp is at the top of the Absol counter rankings, with a time to win of 80.9 seconds. Discounting Shadow Pokemon, Lucario is atop the ranked counter with a time to win of 85.5 seconds.
Regardless of whether it’s Terrakion, Hariyama, Lucario, Machamp, Heracross, or other strong Fighting-type, though, the chances are that they will beat Absol in around 100 seconds.

While they may not hit as hard, Fairy-types are still great to use against Absol. When it comes to these types, though, trainers are going to want to look for Charm spammers.
Fortunately, the two premiere Charm spammers (Gardevoir and Togekiss) are in the top 30 Absol Raid counter rankings. The two of them beat Absol in a little over 100 seconds.
However, one Fairy-type that doesn’t have access to Charm is Zacian. Nevertheless, it can still destroy Absol with its Quick Attack and Play Rough set. Zacian is so powerful that it doesn’t need to rely on a strong, quick move to deal damage.
When it comes to Bug-types, the main one trainers will want to use is Mega Beedrill. Although they are less powerful, other Bug-type counters are Shadow Scyther, Shadow Scizor, and Shadow Pinsir.
Note: This article reflects the author’s views.
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