While Pokemon GO often shuffles Team GO Rocket's battle teams of Shadow Pokemon, these changes aren't guaranteed each month. So far this October, there don't appear to be any changes on the docket for Team GO Rocket, including its leaders Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra.
Arlo possesses the same team he's had since July 9, 2022's Battle Weekend. However, new trainers or those who are returning to the game after a lapse in playing will still likely be curious about how to defeat his team of Shadowy Pocket Monsters. Fortunately, this particular team of Arlo's isn't too difficult to counter and can be defeated handily by either a novice or an experienced player.
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Counters to use against Arlo's Charmander-led team in Pokemon GO this October

As always in Pokemon GO, Arlo has a pool of seven total Shadow Pokemon to utilize in battle. One Pocket Monster (in this case, Shadow Charmander) will always be his first option.
However, Arlo possesses three different Shadow Pokemon that he can use as his second battler, and three additional monsters that he can use as his third fighter. Each of these creatures has a determinate percentage chance of appearing, with some being favored by the Team GO Rocket leader over others.
Below, Pokemon GO trainers can find a quick breakdown of each of the insidious Team GO Rocket Leader's potential selections.
First Slot
- Shadow Charmander (100%)
Second Slot
- Shadow Mawile (36%)
- Shadow Charizard (33%)
- Shadow Salamence (31%)
Third Slot
- Shadow Scizor (78%)
- Shadow Gardevoir (18%)
- Shadow Steelix (5%)
Defeating Shadow Charmander in Pokemon GO should be a fairly straightforward endeavor. It isn't durable and can be easily defeated by Water, Ground, and Rock-type moves and species.
However, a trainer may sometimes need a little help with picking the right optimal counters when dealing with the rest of Arlo's battle team. This is especially true when it isn't known which option the Rocket Leader is going to select.
Counters for Shadow Charmander
- Rampardos (Smack Down + Rock Slide)
- Rhyperior (Smack Down + Rock Wrecker)
- Greninja (Bubble + Hydro Pump)
- Swampert (Mud Shot + Hydro Cannon)
- Omastar (Water Gun + Hydro Pump)
Counters for Arlo's Second Picks
- Shadow Mawile - Blaziken (Fire Spin + Blaze Kick), Therian Landorus (Mud Shot + Earthquake, Chandelure (Hex + Overheat)
- Shadow Charizard - Rampardos (Smack Down + Rock Slide), Terrakion (Smack Down + Rock Slide), Landorus (Rock Throw + Rock Slide)
- Shadow Salamence - Glaceon (Frost Breath + Avalanche), Galarian Darmanitan (Ice Fang + Avalanche), Mamoswine (Powder Snow + Avalanche)
Counters for Arlo's Third Picks
- Shadow Scizor - Entei (Fire Fang + Flamethrower), Charizard (Fire Spin + Blast Burn), Infernape (Fire Spin + Blast Burn)
- Shadow Gardevoir - Gengar (Hex + Shadow Ball), Nihilego (Acid + Sludge Bomb), Metagross (Bullet Punch + Meteor Smash)
- Shadow Steelix - Reshiram (Fire Fang + Overheat), Lucario (Counter + Aura Sphere), Breloom (Counter + Dynamic Punch)
Keep in mind that there are many additional counters to use against Arlo's team in Pokemon GO. The options mentioned above are just some of the more optimal options.
As long as trainers stick to the elemental weaknesses of Arlo's team and aren't using Pocket Monsters with low CP and IVs, they should be able to effectively beat him.
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