With the theme of Pokemon GO's Season of Heritage as well as the recent release of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, Garchomp has seen a sharp spike in relevancy. Thanks to the notoriety of Cynthia's Garchomp and just how powerful it is, many players want to capitalize on the Dragon type's terrorizing force.
Debuting in the fourth generation of the main series Pokemon games, Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, Garchomp made a grand entrance in the hearts of players as a sort of final boss appearing as the ace of Champion Cynthia's team. Many players also remember finding the secret entrance to Wayward Cave which was the only way to find Gible, Garchomp's pre-evolved form.
With the sudden interest in Garchomp sparking back up, many players may find themselves going head-to-head with one in Pokemon GO's Battle League. When making a Battle League team, players may want to prepare for the possibility of Garchomp making an appearance or at least another Dragon-type.
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Taking on Garchomp in Pokemon GO

Garchomp is a Dragon and Ground-type Pokemon. This typing benefits Garchomp greatly, making it harder to take on for unprepared players. Garchomp's biggest weakness is Ice-type attacks. As both the Ground and Dragon typings are weak to Ice-type attacks, using these are the best way to easily cleave through Garchomp in Pokemon GO before the opposing trainer has the opportunity to use a charged attack.
Garchomp's other weakness is its lopsided stat spread in Pokemon GO. While Garchomp and other Pseudo-legendary Pokemon like it are known for their amazing stats, Garchomp has a fairly large weakness in its stats. Garchomp's lowest stat is its defense stat sitting at 193. This leaves Garchomp vulnerable to Ice-type supercharged attacks.
In terms of the best Pokemon suited to take on Garchomp, the best Pokemon to use are powerful Ice types. Galarian Darmanitan is the best Pokemon to use in Pokemon GO due to its highest damage output. Mamoswine is another great option due to its great stamina. Mamoswine's attack also makes it more than capable of dealing with Garchomp.
To summarize, the best way to deal with Garchomp in Pokemon GO is to use either powerful or bulky Ice types. Garchomp is also weak to other Dragon-type attacks, but this is not recommended due to Garchomp being more powerful than most other Dragon-types, so it will almost always win a solo battle against it. Fairy-type attacks work but are less than effective than Ice-type attacks. Garchomp is countered by Galarian Darmanitan, Mamoswine, and Weavile.
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