After January's events in Pokemon GO, Team GO Rocket has returned with a vengeance to disrupt the Season of Heritage.
As February has just begun, the teams being utilized by Team GO Rocket's leaders have seen no alterations. This may change as the month progresses, but for now, Team GO Rocket's Shadow Pokemon teams will be the same as they were in January.
For the domineering Sierra, this means her team still consists of Poliwag, Exeggutor, Lapras, Sharpedo, Houndoom, Shiftry, and Swampert. If trainers know how to counter these Pokemon effectively, they'll have fewer headaches when they run into Sierra and are drawn into battle.
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Top Sierra counters for her current team in Pokemon GO

Compared to her compatriots Arlo and Cliff, Sierra's current Shadow Pokemon lineup is somewhat easier to counter. The majority of her team is comprised of Pokemon that possess either Water or Grass typing. This makes it possible for players to counter multiple Pokemon on her team at once.
However, trainers will still want to have a game plan, as Sierra's team is randomized with the exception of Poliwag, which will always be included in her lineup.
Below, Pokemon GO trainers can find a list of Pokemon that can counter each of Sierra's potential battle options:
- Thundurus, Zekrom, Zarude, Electivire, and Raikou are Poliwag's top counter picks. Most Electric and Grass-type Pokemon will serve the purpose due to Poliwag's low health and stats. Electric and Grass-type moves will deal super effective damage and defeat it quickly.
- Galarian Darmanitan, Glaceon, Mamoswine, Weavile, Houndoom, Beedrill, and Avalugg are Exeggutor's top counter picks. Overall, Shadow Exeggutor takes super effective damage from many sources (Dark, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Ice, Poison, and Bug-type moves). However, it will take double super effective damage from Bug-type moves.
- Lucario, Sirfetch'd, Conkeldurr, Rampardos, Rhyperior, Machamp, Electivire, and Magnezone are Lapras' top counter picks. As a Water/Ice-type, Shadow Lapras is weak to Electric, Fighting, Rock, and Grass-type moves.
- Lucario, Conkeldurr, Sceptile, Breloom, Mienshao, Gardevoir, and Terrakion are Sharpedo's top counter picks in Pokemon GO. Sharpedo takes super effective damage from various sources, including Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting, and Grass-type moves.
- Sierra's trusted Pokemon GO companion is weak to Fighting, Water, Ground, and Rock-type moves. Some of its top counter picks are Rampardos, Kyogre, Kingler, Garchomp, Machamp, and Swampert.
- Shiftry is weak to many attacks, including Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Flying, Ice, and Poison-type moves. Bug-type moves, in particular, deal two times the super effective damage. Some of its top counter picks are Yanmega, Beedrill, Genesect, Heracross, Reshiram, Absol, Darmanitan, and Chandelure.
- Swampert possesses a ton of resistances due to its Water/Ground typing, but its main weakness is Grass-type moves, which it receives double super effective damage from. That makes its Pokemon such as Zarude, Roserade, Sceptile, Tangrowth, Alolan Exeggutor, Torterra, and Venusaur its top counter picks.
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