To give more Pokemon GO players a better chance to get their hands on some Legendary Pocket Monsters, Niantic has introduced weekly Raid Hours, where these creatures have much higher spawn rates in raids. This week, trainers will be able to find Ultra Beasts Kartana and Celesteela during the Raid Hour taking place on September 13, 2023.
However, many newer players who want to participate may not know what they should do to prepare for these raids. Thankfully, taking on these raids and similar events becomes second nature once trainers have done them a couple of times.
Everything to know about Kartana and Celesteela Raid Hours in Pokemon GO

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
The first thing players should know about this event in Pokemon GO is that both of the featured Ultra Beasts are not available everywhere. Players in the northern hemisphere will be able to encounter Celesteela, while those in the lower hemisphere will have the pleasure of seeing Kartana.
Both creatures are more similar than they appear. The key differences between them lie in the typings and stats in Pokemon GO. Kartana is frailer but can deal much more damage, incentivizing players to take a more defensive team composition into its raids. Celesteela is more defensive, which means trainers can afford to up their offenses and take more glass-cannon picks.
Both creatures have the Steel typing. However, Celesteela hosts a secondary Flying typing, while Kartana has a secondary Grass typing. That being said, the strategy players can use for dispatching these threats is relatively consistent between the two, with trainers having the best luck when constructing their raiding parties with Fire-type picks.
Some of the best counters to these Pokemon are those that can hit their weak spots while also being able to tank their damage. Heatran fits these criteria perfectly as it can hit both Ultra Beasts super-effectively and can also tank a fair amount of their damage, thanks to its bulky stat spread and secondary Steel typings.
When it comes to these raid events in Pokemon GO, players will want to make sure they have enough healing items ahead of time. While these creatures cannot appear in their shiny variants, some trainers will still want to grind these raids to find a Pocket Monster with perfect stats, meaning that adequate heals will be mandatory. These items can be found from Pokestops or can be purchased from the shop.
Finally, players will want to make sure they have other trainers to raid with. Since Kartana and Celesteela are both creatures with Legendary-tier stat spreads, these fights will be very difficult for players to do by themselves. A team of three to four experienced raiders should be enough to make easy work of these bosses. This number will vary depending on each trainer's experience level and the creatures each participant has access to.
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