Post-credit Pokemon such as Darkrai are slowly being announced for Pokemon Legends Arceus as the game inches closer to its official release. The Mythical Pokemon is sure to be a welcome addition to the roster, but it may be more exclusive than some players thought.
Most Pokemon in Pokemon Legends Arceus will be obtainable by simply playing through the game. There may be some special criteria or mechanics, but most will be obtainable with the base game. Darkrai, on the other hand, will be a little tougher to get beyond reaching the post-game content of Pokemon Legends Arceus due to some special conditions outside the game.
Catching Darkrai in Pokemon Legends Arceus
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Before players go out looking for a Darkrai in their own games, they will need to meet a requirement on their own save. Only players that have logged some time into Pokemon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl will be able to pursue the Mythical Pokemon. In essence, that makes Darkrai a promotional Pokemon that players will need to play a separate game for.
Simply playing Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl will not be enough to earn Darkrai. Instead, it only gives players access to go on a new research quest for the Mythic Pokemon. The quest can only be taken up after the main story is completed and the post credits roll on the screen. Afterwards, players can go back to their previous points and begin the end game content.
With the story finished, players can head back to Jubilife Village where the the Darkrai research quest will be available. Any details beyond picking up the quest are still foggy, so that will leave the rest of the Darkrai quest a mystery when the game is finally released.
Other special Pokemon bonuses in Pokemon Legends Arceus

Another Mythical Pokemon that players can catch in Pokemon Legends Arceus is Shaymin. The Land Forme will be available to add to the team, but once again, players will need to have specific requirements completed to access the post-credit quest.
In this case, players need to have some time logged into either Pokemon Sword or Shield. As long as there is some time played on the player's account, they will be able to claim Shaymin's quest. Again, this quest will be up for exploration once Pokemon Legends Arceus releases next month.
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