The Poke Radar in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is going to make shiny hunting much easier.
The Poke Radar was a feature in Generation VI, seen in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. In those games, it could help trainers find Pokemon with rare moves and abilities, as well as shinies.
This mechanic has undergone some changes, though, for the Generation IV remakes.
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How can trainers improve their chances of finding a shiny Pokemon?
First of all, the Poke Radar is a post-game feature. That means that players will need to beat the Elite Four to get it from Professor Rowan. They will need to complete the Sinnoh Dex as well.
After getting the Poke Radar, it’s highly recommended that trainers go to Ramanas Park. There, Professor Oak will hand over a Poketch feature that displays the progress a trainer makes on their chain.
Before heading out to look for shinies, trainers will need two items in bulk: Super Repels and Repeat Balls. After enough catches, Repeat Balls will have a 100% catch rate on a specific Pokemon.

After all that, gamers will be ready to head to the wild and start shiny hunting. They will want to look for vast areas of grass and save their game while disabling Autosave.
To start, users should stand in the center of whichever grassy area they decide upon and activate the Poke Radar. Once this happens, four patches of grass will start rustling. The trainer may investigate one of these patches.
If a patch does not reveal a Pokemon they want to shiny hunt, they can run away from the battle and repeat the process.
Once they’ve found the Pokemon they’re looking for, they can start the chain. Trainers should catch this Pokemon: not KO it. Catching gives them a 93% chance of continuing the chain, and that chance lowers when the Pokemon faints.
Now, there are some essential things players should remember when trying to continue the chain. They should never close the game, never leave the area, and never use their bike. Doing either of these will break the chain.
Also, when looking for the next Pokemon in the chain, trainers should search at least four patches of grass away from their location. This is how they get the 93% chance of continuing the chain after catching a Pokemon.
When chaining, the magic number is 40. Once gamers get to the 40th chain, their shiny odds rise to 1 and 99. This is the maximum odds they can get.
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