Trainers in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl can check Friendship levels to see how close a partner may be to evolving or reaching max level.
Certain Pokemon require a high enough Friendship level to evolve and maxing out that Friendship level simply makes your partners happier. This can be done in a variety of ways.
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Whether you are battling, using a Soothe Bell, getting your Pokemon a massage, or you caught one with a special Poke Ball, you can check their Friendship level with an app in the Poketch.
How to see Friendship levels in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

To check Friendship levels in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you will need to get the Poketch. The Poketch can be obtained in Jubilife City. Speak to a man in the center of town.
He will task you with finding three clowns scattered across the city. They have trivia questions that need to be answered, with a ticket being the prize for getting it right.

Collect three tickets, return to the man, and he will provide you with a Poketch. From there, you will need the Friendship Checker application that can be received from Eterna City.
Head to the Eterna City Pokemon Center and speak with the brown-haired NPC standing close to the counter, where you will find Nurse Joy. This NPC will give you the Friendship Checker.

Now that you have it, you can use the R button to open your Poketch in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The R button can be held to dismiss it from your screen or pressed to open it in different sizes.
Press the red switch to the right on the Poketch to cycle through the different apps, until you come across the one with the Pokemon simply wandering around near each other on the screen.

Tap on a Pokemon to see its Friendship level. Also, you can hold your finger on the screen and Pokemon who are deemed friendly towards you will begin to move to your finger.
If the Pokemon has two hearts appearing after you tap on it, that means you have reached the highest Friendship level available in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
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