Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players progressing through The Indigo Disk DLC will inevitably come face to face with Blueberry Academy's Elite Four. Though defeating them is a major part of the story, trainers will have to undertake each member's Elite Trials, a collection of different tasks that are somewhat similar to those players had to finish before battling Paldea's gym leaders.
One such example of this in The Indigo Disk concerns Drayton, the BB Elite Four's Dragon-type ace. Drayton will challenge Pokemon Scarlet and Violet fans to defeat three Blueberry Academy students in Double Battles, but the catch is that they can only use Pokemon they've caught from Blueberry Academy's Terarium.
How to beat Drayton's Elite Trial in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Indigo Disk

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Throughout Drayton's Elite Trial in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players will have to defeat the students Craig, Winter, and Ray. Each participant will have their own team of Pokemon that can be found in the academy's Terarium. The teams are fairly diverse, and players will have to set their own team to counter them accordingly.
The three teams that trainers will face are as follows; keep in mind that all the opposing Pokemon will be at Level 68:
- Craig - Bastiodon and Rampardos
- Winter - Alolan Sandslash and Dewgong
- Ray - Magnezone and Zebstrika

The good news for players is that they receive a break between the three battles, so they can set their Double Battle party for each encounter. This makes countering the three students a little easier. Regardless, players should train their teams to at least Level 68 (though preferably higher if possible), and EV training can also be useful if trainers are having a tough time.
Although there are plenty of ways to counter the students in Drayton's Elite Trial, Pokemon Scarlet, and Violet players can give these counters a shot if they're stuck:
- Craig Counters - Rhydon (Canyon Biome) and Metang (Polar Biome)
- Winter Counters - Magmar (Torchlit Labyrinth, Coastal Biome) and Magneton (Canyon Biome)
- Ray Counters - Excadrill (Chargestone Cavern, Polar Biome) and Rhydon (Canyon Biome)

When Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players take on Craig in Drayton's Elite Trial, the battle should be pretty straightforward. Rhydon's Ground-type arsenal will deal super effective damage to both Bastiodon and Rampardos, while Metang's Steel-type attacks can also counter Rampardos with super effective damage since it's a mono Rock-type.
Concerning Winter, Magmar should be able to handle Alolan Sandslash in a flash, as Magmar's Fire-type attacks deal 4x damage to it. Meanwhile, Magneton's Electric-type attacks can deal super effective damage to Dewgong, as the latter is a partial Water-type, and its Ice-typing offers it no protection from electricity.
Then there's Craig, who is easily countered by Ground-type attacks across the board. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players can utilize Rhydon once again, and picking up a creature like Excadrill will provide extra Ground-type firepower. Neither Magnezone nor Zebstrika should be able to sustain the super-effective damage inflicted for long.

With all three students defeated, Drayton will congratulate players for their efforts. Afterward, trainers can revert to the creatures they caught from outside of the Terarium if they'd like, and Drayton will be ready to battle players as part of the BB League Elite Four challenge.
The Dragon-type trainer is tough, but trainers who utilize well-trained Ice-type and Fairy-type Pokemon should stand an excellent chance of beating Drayton and moving along to the remaining Elite Four members and ultimately, the Blueberry League Champion.
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