Shiny Bug Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet can help players capture more shiny Bug-type Pocket Monsters than ever before. The new sandwich feature has quickly proven to be one of the most important concepts players can get a grasp on. Not only does this feature help with shiny hunting and building friendship, but it also helps with catching Pokemon and finding ones of specific types.
Once players get a solid grasp on what ingredients do what in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, they can begin to freely make sandwiches depending on the situation they need them for. However, making sandwiches specifically for finding Shiny Pokemon can be a bit complicated. This guide covers everything you need to know about making a Shiny Bug Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
How to make Shiny Bug Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

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Creating the perfect sandwich for finding Shiny Bug-type Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet comes in a couple of different parts. Players will need a minimum of two distinct buffs that impact creatures of that type. Though some ingredients are associated with the type, they may fail to impact the buffs required.
For this recipe, players will need to enhance the encounter power as well as the shining power of their sandwich. The latter is easy, as only one ingredient in the game can impact this stat, while the former is a lot more complex given the amount of Bug-related ingredients that may or may not increase encounter power.
For the Shining Power, which is a buff that increases the likelihood of Shiny Pokemon to spawn in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players will need two of the Herba Mystica ingredients. Though their different flavor profiles may put some players off, this effect is purely aesthetic, and matching flavors do not need to be used.

These Herba Mystica ingredients can only be earned by completing 5 and 6-Star Tera Raids, which are exclusive to the post-game, meaning players must complete all four campaigns before finding them. These raids are the most challenging in the game, so players should bring their best Pokemon to take on the fight.
As for the secondary Bug-type specific ingredients, players will need a very specific arrangement. Out of all the ingredients in the game, cherry tomatoes, chorizo, potato salad, and curry powder are the only ones that significantly increase Bug-type encounter power. However, mixing these ingredients can get a bit complex as only the cherry tomato increases just Bug encounters.
That said, we can conclude that the best recipe for making the perfect Shiny Bug-type Pokemon-finding sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is sadly a bit anti-climactic. The most consistent recipe that will guarantee the desired result is a combination of a cherry tomato and two Herba Mystica. That might not be much of a filling meal, but it will help trainers find the Shiny Scyther they are looking for.
Having a Shiny Fighting Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet can make the task of finding a shiny Pocket Monster of this type easier, even if you already have a Shiny Charm. The titles let players craft sandwiches to share with their team, which endow them with various useful buffs. This allows you to find specific types of monsters a bit easier.
This article will tell you everything you need to know about cooking a Shiny Fighting Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Cooking up a Shiny Fighting Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

If you want to have the coolest-looking Annihilape in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you will want to find a shiny one. That will take forever, though, unless you’re overwhelmingly lucky. Each type has a specific recipe you’ll want to follow, and they’re going to take a little work.
To craft a Shiny Fighting Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you'll want to farm 5 and 6-star Tera Raids. The first ingredient is two Salty Herba Mysticas, so you will want to do as much of this as possible to have a shot at the proper ingredient. You aren’t guaranteed to get them to drop, so it might take some time.
How to craft Shiny Fighting Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
- Farm Tier 5 and 6-star Tera battles for 2x Salty Herba Mystica
- Purchase some Pickles
- Make sure you have a sandwich pick (Red works fine)
- Open the Sandwich menu at a picnic, and press X to start Creative Mode
- Create a recipe using a few pickles across the bread. The Herba Mystica will be used as a seasoning.
- Put the other bread on top, and put your sandwich pick in
This will grant you Sparkling Power 3 (Fighting), Title Power 3 (Fighting), and Encounter Power 3 (Fighting). However, one important piece of advice is to turn off autosave before you craft sandwiches.
You can accidentally waste ingredients by not putting them properly on a sandwich or burning through a few and not finding any Shiny fighting-types in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Therefore, turning off the auto-save is recommended before you attempt Shiny farming. That way, if your sandwiches fail and you find nothing useful, you can always reload and use your ingredients again.
After all, it’s easy to go to the store and buy pickles. You aren’t guaranteed Salty Herba Mystica in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. To get two of them, you may have to do a significant amount of Tera Raids, so you want to make every single sandwich count.

The Tera Raids are worth it anyway, as higher-tier events grant better rewards. But if you want to Shiny hunt, this will be your best bet. If you want to know specific areas you should travel to, a few boast good Fighting-types.
For example, North Province (Area One) can grant you Gallade, the powerful split-evolution of Kirlia. Meanwhile, the Socarrat Trail boasts the classic Heracross, the mighty Bug/Fighting type.
And, of course, you can head to The Great Crater of Paldea, which will undoubtedly have some Fighting-types. These include Great Tusk and Slither Wing for Scarlet, while Violet has Iron Hands and Iron Valiant. There are plenty of Fighting-types to capture in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. With this sandwich in hand, catching an amazing Shiny for your team will be easier.
Check out other Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guides to have an easier time:
- How to shiny hunt in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
- Best starters for Scarlet and Violet
- Best team for early, mid, and late game
- Obedience level and badge requirements
- Indigo Disk BB Elite Four and Champion guide
- Best Doubles teams for Regulation F
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