Boldore should be a fairly easy Raid boss for trainers to defeat in Pokemon GO.
This Rock-type is the evolution of Roggenrola, and it eventually evolves into Gigilath. While Gigilath is known for its high Attack and Defense, Boldore barely has a fraction of its evolution’s power.
All of Boldore’s stats are below 200, and trainers should be able to defeat it with common Pokemon.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Which Pokemon can beat Boldore quickly?
Since it is a Rock-type, trainers should look to use Fighting, Steel, Water, Grass, and Ground-types to counter Boldore.
When it comes to Steel-types, though, there is only one relevant counter: Metagross. Shadow Metagross is the top-ranked counter, while ordinary Metagross ranks sixth.
Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash shred Boldore so much that the next ranked Steel-type (Dialga) can barely keep up with Metal Claw and Iron Head.
Generally, though, Steel-types are a little risky to use in this Raid. Boldore carries not only the quick move Mud Slap but also the charge move Bulldoze. With both moves, it can easily defeat ordinary Steel-types. Therefore, trainers will need to use Steel-types with enough damage output that they will pick up the KO before Boldore does.

Alternatively, the safest counters trainers could likely use are Grass-types. They don’t have the DPS that other types do, but they resist Mud Slap and Bulldoze.
There’s a good bunch of options for Grass-types that can counter Boldore. Zarude has a speedy time to win against this Raid boss (110.2 seconds). Other strong Grass-type counters would be Breloom, Torterra, and Shadow Exeggutor.
This Raid will also be an excellent opportunity to use the Venusaurs that trainers hopefully got on Bulbasaur’s recent Community Day. Venusaur with Frenzy Plant decimates Boldore.
The common Fighting-type bruisers are also great to use against Boldore, including Lucario, Conkeldurr, Machamp, and Hariyama (preferably Shadow Hariyama). Basically, anything with a strong Attack stat and access to Dynamic Punch can make quick work of Boldore.
Finally, several strong Water-types dominate the Boldore matchup. It should be no stretch of the imagination that Kyogre destroyed this Raid boss. There are other Water-types, though, that do really well here.
Mega Blastoise and Mega Gyarados each have quick times to win here. Otherwise, trainers can rely on the Water-type starters with access to Hydro Cannon (Feraligatr, Emploeon, etc.).
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