Returning to Pokemon GO as a 3-star raid boss on November 15, Camerupt is the evolution of Numel and is a Fire/Ground-type Pokemon.
Due to its typing, Camerupt only has two weaknesses, but one, in particular, is doubly super effective against it. Pokemon GO trainers heading into gym raids attempting to take the boss on can use Ground and Water-type moves and Pokemon to defeat it.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Between these two weaknesses, Water-type moves and Pokemon are preferred to counter Camerupt. Trainers can't go wrong with either, as super-effective damage is still the preferred method to defeat Camerupt quickly. However, Water-type usage is a step above Ground-type usage.
Pokemon GO: Counters to defeat Camerupt

More than a few Ground and Water-type Pokemon are available in Pokemon GO to take on Camerupt masterfully, especially if they match their moves to their typing, which will provide them with a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB).
Trainers should have a significant number of Pokemon and moves that can match up positively against Camerupt, but some operate better than others. Pokemon GO trainers looking for a great place to start or gain a significant edge in their battle parties can try out the moves/Pokemon below to counter Camerupt:
Fast moves
- Water Gun (Water-type)
- Waterfall (Water-type)
- Bubble (Water-type)
- Mud-Slap (Ground-type)
Charge moves
- Hydro Cannon (Water-type)
- Hydro Pump (Water-type)
- Crabhammer (Water-type)
- Surf (Water-type)
- Weather Ball (Water-type)
- Mega Blastoise
- Mega Gyarados
- Kyogre
- Samurott
- Feraligatr
- Swampert
- Empoleon
- Kingler
- Clawitzer
- Vaporeon
- Milotic
- Crawdaunt
- Greninja
- Floatzel
- Starmie
- Kingdra
- Pelipper
- Sharpedo
- Poliwrath
- Bibarel
- Rhyperior
- Golduck
- Politoed
- Simipour
- Wailord
- Omastar
- Carracosta
As a 3-star raid boss in Pokemon GO, Camerupt shouldn't require too much punishment to be defeated. If trainers bring along a few fellow players using Ground and Water-type Pokemon and moves, Camerupt should be beaten quickly with plenty of time on the raid clock to spare.
This provides trainers with higher rewards, providing more Premier Balls to catch Camerupt in their post-raid encounter.
With the right counter picks, Pokemon GO trainers can even defeat Camerupt solo. It might take a particularly efficient Pokemon team with high stats and combat power, but the payoffs are significant if a trainer can take Camerupt down on their own.
Bringing assistance helps, but sometimes trainers just can't get a team together to take on a raid boss, and having a solo option might be necessary.
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