A new month is here, which means a new collection of Raid bosses in Pokemon GO, and Licking Pokemon Lickitung is among them. Introduced in Pokemon Red and Blue on the Nintendo Game Boy, Lickitung has been in the Pokemon Franchise since the very beginning.
Being a 3-star Raid boss, many Pokemon GO players may need help knowing the best ways to counter Lickitung. Knowing what type the Pokemon is and what type of attacks it's weak to, always helps when preparing for a Raid.
Pokemon GO Raid guide: Countering Lickitung

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Lickitung is a Normal-type Pokemon who are known for not having many weaknesses. However, they lack any real strengths and will most commonly run attacks of different types, meaning they will not receive the same type attack bonus. Lickitung, however, does not follow this stereotype. Lickitung has access to 3 powerful Normal-type charged attacks.
Pokemon GO gives Lickitung access to the moves Stomp, Body Slam, and Hyper Beam. All of these attacks are Normal-type which means they receive the same type attack bonus. Lickitung also has Power Whip, a Grass-type charged attack; this attack is rarely used, though. For fast attacks, Lickitung has either Lick or Zen Headbutt; Lick is a Ghost-type attack and Zen Headbutt is a Psychic-type attack.
When battling Lickitung in Pokemon GO, keep in mind that this it is not a fully evolved Pokemon. This implies that Lickitung has the stats of a Pokemon that has yet to evolve, so it should not be very hard to take it down with just one person. Lickitung has a weak attack stat of 108, a defense stat of 137, and a stamina stat of 207.
The best way to quickly take down Lickitung in Pokemon GO is by simply overpowering it. Bringing a high-leveled Fighting-type is the best way to down a weaker Normal-type Pokemon like Lickitung. Lucario and Machamp should be able to defeat Lickitung in a matter of seconds.
In summary, Lickitung is not a very challenging Pokemon to take down in Pokemon GO. Any Pokemon can quickly capitalize on its frail defense stat with a powerful Fighting-type attack. Lickitung's Normal typing also makes it immune to Ghost-type attacks. Lickitung's access to Lick, a Ghost-type move, further explains why Ghost-type Pokemon should not be in this fight.
Note: The article reflects the views of the writer.
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