The newest addition to Pokemon Unite's roster, Mimikyu, is a character that players have been waiting to play for quite some time. Not only is the creature a beloved character in the main series, but the prospect of how it could be played in a MOBA format has piqued the interest of Unite fans. With it finally here, players have been wondering what there is to know about going against this monster.
Every new character in Pokemon Unite can be hard to play against at first. Being so new, a lot of players may not have kept up on development details, resulting in them not knowing anything about Mimikyu aside from the fact that it is tearing a hole clean through your backline. So how can players best deal with Mimikyu when they see one in their games?
Everything to know about countering Mimikyu in Pokemon Unite

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Some may see Mimikyu's small size and nature and assume it would be an easy-to-beat assassin. However, this is not the case. Mimikyu possesses traits that make it closer to a standard melee bruiser in Pokemon Unite, like Buzzwole. As such, similar protocols must be taken when facing one. Since Mimikyu is best in the top lane, those who partake in the role may want to take note of this information.
Mimikyu's big gimmick is its Disguise ability. Much like the anime, it can appear in Disguise and Busted forms. While Mimikyu is in its Disguise form, a distinct visual will appear around its health bar. It is best to avoid fighting Mimikyu while this visual effect is present since any damage from another player will activate its effect.
Upon taking damage, Mimikyu will mark its attacker with two glowing eyes above them. While this mark is on an opponent, they will take more damage from Mimikyu's attacks. Since this is the big draw to Mimikyu, being great with ranged characters like Decidueye and Gardevoir is very important.
With Shadow Sneak giving it a dash and Shadow Claw giving it amazing burst melee damage and healing, taking a melee bruiser into Mimikyu is ill-advised. Due to Mimikyu's better sustain and mobility compared to most other bruisers, it has the advantage over most of the roster in a 1v1 fight. Playing a ranged character into Mimikyu is much better, as Mimikyu can only engage if it lands its Shadow Sneak projectile.
If you are confident in your projectile-dodging abilities, you can easily take down Mimikyu by spamming ranged attacks and abilities. Another great way to counter Mimikyu is by playing with tanks that can disable the monster with their crowd-control abilities. Slowbro's Telekinesis in Pokemon Unite is a great example of a perfect disable to use on Mimikyu.
Overall, Mimikyu is probably one of the most laid-back characters the Pokemon Unite team has put out in a long time. It does not possess any capabilities that make it difficult to deal with, but a newer player may struggle a bit. However, with sufficient practice, you should have no problem taking care of Mimikyu when it appears on the enemy team.
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