Many trainers should be looking to take on the Salamence Raid in Pokemon GO, since defeating it will give trainers an opportunity to catch a tremendously powerful beast.
Salamence has held elite status in Pokemon since its introduction in Generation III, where many trainers would roam Meteor Falls, looking for a Bagon to evolve into Salamence. In every game it’s featured, including Pokemon GO, it’s one of the more powerful options. That means, though, it’s going to take some strong Pokemon to bring it down.
Best Pokemon to use against pseusdolegendary Dragon
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Salamence is one of several Pokemon with a Dragon and Flying typing (Dragonite, Rayquaza, etc.). While all of these Pokemon are incredibly strong, they have a huge Achilles’ heel: Ice moves.
Both Dragon and Flying share a weakness to Ice, so a Pokemon with both typings would take quadruple damage. Mathematically, that’s 256% damage from one Ice-type move.
While Dragons are also weak to Fairies and opposing Dragons, Ice-types are going to be the easiest way to counter Salamence.
The stronger Ice-types in the game all have tremendously quick times to win against Salamence. For example, Galarian Darmanitan can beat this Raid in 85.7 seconds.

The Pokemon with the fastest time to win against Salamence is Shadow Mamoswine at 79.8 seconds. Regular Mamoswine isn’t too far behind, though.
For trainers who don’t have access to strong legendary Pokemon, Shadow Pokemon or Mega evolutions, they’re going to want to look for more common Ice-types. Surprisingly, both Vanilluxe and Walrein are excellent choices here.
Glaceon is also great to use for any trainer with an extra Eevee laying around. The combination of Ice Shard and Avalanche takes out Salamence in 96.1 seconds.
Outside of Ice-types, other strong Dragons are good counters to bring against Salamence. Dragonite and Rayquaza both have strong matchups here. Both are risks, though, since they would also take super effective damage from Salamence’s attacks.
Surprisingly, there are no Fairies ranked in the top ten of the Raid counters. Pokemon like Gardevoir and Togekiss, though, still have really quick times to win against Salamence, so there’s nothing wrong with bringing them to this Raid.
According to the Silph Road, this Raid is next to impossible to beat solo. With two people, however, it drops to medium difficulty. It’s probably best to bring two teammates when taking on this Raid. Any trainer with a strong Ice-type, though, probably only needs one ally.
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