With the Team GO Rocket Takeover event kicking off in Pokemon GO across the globe, Team GO Rocket Leader Arlo is set to feature a brand new combination of Pokemon when players encounter him in-game. The battle teams of the other two leaders, Cliff and Sierra, will undergo similar changes as well. Furthermore, Giovanni will have Shadow Regice instead of Shadow Registeel in his battle party once the event starts.
The Team GO Rocket Takeover March 2023 event is set to begin on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 10:00 am local time and conclude on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 8:00 pm local time. Brand new Shadow Pokemon are set to arrive in the popular AR title, with trainers able to encounter shiny shadow variants after defeating Team GO Rocket Grunts for the first time.
This article guides readers on how to beat Arlo, his weaknesses, and the best possible counters to his battle team in Pokemon GO.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Beating Arlo in Pokemon GO during the Team GO Rocket Takeover event in March 2023
Arlo is one of the three Team GO Rocket Leaders who can be encountered in-game for trainers to square up against. Players will have a chance to battle against him once they have assembled a Rocket Radar and equipped it. As such, he can spawn in Team GO Rocket hot air balloons and at PokeStops that have been taken over by the nefarious organization.

Fortunately, Arlo's first Pokemon choice remains the same as before. Teddiursa is a Generation II Normal-type pocket monster that's weak to Fighting-type moves. The best counters for this battle are as follows:
- Terrakion with the moveset of Double Kick and Sacred Sword
- Lucario with the moveset of Counter and Aura Sphere
- Conkeldurr with the moveset of Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Machamp with the moveset of Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Breloom with the moveset of Counter and Dynamic Punch

As for his second Pokemon in this battle, Arlo will choose from three possible options - Hypno, Blaziken, and Golurk. The first option is a Psychic-type Generation I Pokemon that's weak to Bug, Ghost, and Dark-type moves. The best counters for this Pokemon GO battle are as follows:
- Chandelure with the moveset of Hex and Shadow Ball
- Gengar with the moveset of Lick and Shadow Ball
- Dragapult with the moveset of Hex and Shadow Ball
- Darkrai with the moveset of Snark and Shadow Ball
The second option is a dual Fire and Fighting-type Generation III Pokemon that's weak to Flying, Ground, Water, and Psychic-type moves. The best counters for this Pokemon are as follows:
- Mewto with the moveset of Confusion and Psychic
- Deoxys (Attack Forme) with the moveset of Zen Headbutt and Psycho Boost
- Alakazam with the moveset of Confusion and Psychic
- Espeon with the moveset of Confusion and Psychic
The third option is a dual Ground and Ghost-type Generation V Pokemon that's weak against Ghost, Water, Grass, Ice, and Dark-type moves. The best counters for this Pokemon GO battle are as follows:
- Kartana with the moveset of Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
- Chandelure with the moveset of Hex and Shadow Ball
- Gengar with the moveset of Lick and Shadow Ball
- Dragapult with the moveset of Hex and Shadow Ball
- Darkrai with the moveset of Snarl and Shadow Ball

For his third and final Pokemon, Arlo will choose one of the following three pocket monsters - Banette, Scizor, and Luxray. The first option is a Ghost-type Generation III pocket monster that's weak to Ghost and Dark-type moves. The best counters for this battle are as follows:
- Chandelure with the moveset of Hex and Shadow Ball
- Gengar with the moveset of Lick and Shadow Ball
- Dragapult with the moveset of Hex and Shadow Ball
- Darkraid with the moveset of Snarl and Shadow Ball
The second option is a dual Bug and Steel-type Generation II pocket monster that is weak to Fire-type moves. The best counters for the Pokemon GO battle are as follows:
- Reshiram with the moveset of Fire Fang and Fusion Flare
- Chandelure with the moveset of Fire Spin and Overheat
- Volcarona with the moveset of Fire Spin and Overheat
- Blaziken with the moveset of Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Moltren with the moveset of Fire Spin and Overheat
The third option is an Electric-type Generation IV pocket monster that's weak to Ground-type moves. The best counters for this Pokemon GO battle are as follows:
- Mamoswine with the moveset of Mud Slap and High Horsepower
- Excadrill with the moveset of Mud Slap and Earthquake
- Groudon with the moveset of Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Garchomp with the moveset of Mud Shot and Earthquakre
Once Pokemon GO trainers have found Arlo in-game, they can battle him repeatedly until they finally defeat him. Upon defeating him, trainers will potentially be able to catch Teddiursa, with a chance to encounter a shiny variant of this Pokemon. Additionally, players will also receive a 12km egg.
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