Among the many NPCs in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Arven is one of the most notable in the Generation IX games.
Son of Professors Sada and Turo, Arven is one of the first NPCs that players meet on their Paldean journey. He is also the core character behind the search for the Herba Mystica.
While Arven is an excellent cook, he also enjoys battling trainers, and players will notice this when they first meet him. At the lighthouse on Poco Path, trainers will battle him to determine if they're worthy enough to look after the wounded Koraidon/Miraidon.
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However, the true test against Arven takes place after players have defeated all of the Titan Pokemon in his story of the Path of Legends. This is the toughest battle against Arven in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and it's best for trainers to be prepared.
Arven doesn't stick to a specific elemental type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

When you're taking on Arven after completing the quest for the Herba Mystica, it's best to prepare for the battle to avoid being overtaken. You should ideally train your team to level 60 or above before battling him and use a wide array of Pokemon types to counter his team.
Arven doesn't stick to a particular elemental type, so you'll want to counter accordingly by using a varied team of Pocket Monsters constituting many different elements.
Pokemon/move types to use to counter Arven's team
- Greedent - Fighting-type
- Scovillain - Flying, Poison, and Rock-type
- Garganacl - Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, and Grass-type
- Toedscruel - Flying, Bug, Fire, and Ice-type is 4x effective
- Cloyster - Fighting, Rock, Grass, and Electric-type
- Tera Mabosstiff - Fighting, Bug, and Fairy-type
Excellent Pokemon picks to counter Arven
- Meowscarada
- Skeledirge
- Quaquaval
- Talonflame
- Houndoom
- Vespiquen
- Corviknight
- Azumarill
- Clodsire
- Gardevoir
- Gallade
- Dachsbun
- Tsareena
- Lycanroc
- Breloom
- Appletun
- Hariyama
- Crabominable
- Copperajah
- Garchomp
- Pelipper
- Gyarados
- Camerupts
- Lucario
- Toxicroak
- Glaceon
- Sylveon
- Toxtricity
- Magnezone
- Altaria
- Paldean Tauros
- Weavile
- Scizor
- Tinkaton
- Glalie
- Froslass
- Great Tusk
- Slither Wing
- Iron Treads
- Iron Hands
- Iron Valiant
At the end of the day, as long as you use the right types to counter Arven's team, you will have a good chance of winning the matchup.
Members of your battle team don't even necessarily need to be of a specific type as long as they use moves that are super effective against Arven's team. With enough damage sustained, Arven's companions won't last long, and you can savor your victory against the cooking prodigy.
It's also worth noting that the same counters that work against Arven after the Herba Mystica storyline can also apply to the Academy Ace tournament. This battle can be undertaken after completing all three of Scarlet and Violet's storylines and returning to Naranja/Uva Academy.
Many of the counters you use to defeat Arven can be helpful in taking on the other Academy Ace participants. This includes Penny, Nemona, and your fellow instructors at the academy.
As long as your Pocket Monsters are thoroughly well-trained in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, victory should be well within reach.
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