On November 14, 2022, Pokemon GO will see the arrival of the Team GO Rocket takeover. As trainers defeat grunts and the team's three leaders, they'll inevitably come into contact with Giovanni, the kingpin and boss of the criminal group.
Giovanni sports a more limited team of potential Pokemon in Pokemon GO compared to the likes of Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra.
While the three Team GO Rocket Leaders have access to seven Pokemon to use on their team, Giovanni only works with a pool of five options. However, he has the benefit of using a Shadow Legendary Pokemon, which is certainly better than having expanded options.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Giovanni's Pokemon GO team has less variety than his counterparts, but it's certainly no less deadly, and trainers should prepare for him in earnest.
Giovanni will always use two specific Pokemon on his team in Pokemon GO

While battling Giovanni in Pokemon GO, it's worth noting that he'll always use two specific Pokemon on his team. He'll utilize his iconic Persian and a Shadow Legendary Pokemon of some sort.
However, the second Pokemon he uses in his team fluctuates over time. For November 2022, Giovanni has been using Shadow Persian and Shadow Mewtwo on his team. He can also utilize Shadow Rhyperior, Shadow Steelix, or Shadow Nidoqueen to round out his team.
For optimal chances to defeat Giovanni and capture Shadow Mewtwo, Pokemon GO trainers will want to account for all the potential options he can use.
The Rocket boss' picks are all considerably powerful compared to the Team GO Rocket's leaders and grunts. Players will want to use the highest CP and stat Pokemon available to them to counter him.
Counters for Shadow Persian
- Terrakion
- Lucario
- Pheromosa
- Breloom
- Conkeldurr
- Machamp
- Sirfetch'd
- Pirouette Meloetta
- Galarian Zapdos
- Buzzwole
Counters for Shadow Rhyperior
- Kartana
- Zarude
- Roserade
- Kingler
- Kyogre
- Feraligatr
- Samurott
- Greninja
- Empoleon
- Swampert
Counters for Shadow Steelix
- Terrakion
- Reshiram
- Lucario
- Darmanitan
- Pheromosa
- Chandelure
- Conkeldurr
- Blaziken
- Moltres
- Excadrill
Counters for Shadow Nidoqueen
- Mewtwo
- Unbound Hoopa
- Attack Form Deoxys
- Alakazam
- Espeon
- Azelf
- Gyarados
- Therian Landorus
- Tapu Lele
- Rhyperior
Counters for Shadow Mewtwo
- Hydreigon
- Darkrai
- Chandelure
- Origin Form Giratina
- Unbound Hoopa
- Gengar
- Weavile
- Yveltal
- Guzzlord
- Tyranitar
- Zarude
- Honchkrow
- Houndoom
- Absol
- Bisharp
In addition to the Pokemon options listed above, there are many other picks that can be utilized in Pokemon GO. The key factor in finding the right team to beat Giovanni is beating his picks via type advantage and ensuring the counters have high CP and stats. As long as the counters are top-quality and win the type matchup, Giovanni's Shadow Pokemon should topple quite easily.
Once defeated, Giovanni will scurry off in defeat and leave his Shadow Mewtwo available to be caught. Trainers should be sure to use any available berries, especially Golden Razz or Silver Pinap Berries before capturing Mewtwo. This will assist with the process and even provide extra candy in the instance of Pinap Berries.
Considering how powerful Shadow Mewtwo can be as a battler, Pokemon GO trainers certainly won't want to miss the opportunity to capture this savage-hearted creature.
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