The latest iteration of the Team GO Rocket Takeover event in Pokemon GO sees the Team GO Rocket Leaders, Sierra, Cliff, and Arlo, sport new team combinations to challenge trainers around the world. The occasion also sees the arrival of Shadow Regice in Giovanni's battle kit.
The Team GO Rocket Takeover event began on Saturday, March 25, at 10 am local time, and will continue until Wednesday, March 29, at 8 pm local time. New Shadow Pokemon like Alolan Grimer, Phanpy, Treecko, Torchic, and Drifloon have been added to the mix, with trainers also being able to encounter shiny Shadow Pokemon from Team GO Rocket Grunts for the first time.
This article guides readers on how to beat Sierra, details his weaknesses, and offers the best possible counters to his battle team in Pokemon GO.
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Pokemon GO guide: Steps to beat Sierra during the Team GO Rocket Takeover event in March 2023
As with other Team GO Rocket Leaders, Pokemon GO trainers will be able to encounter Sierra once they defeat enough Team GO Rocket Grunts to assemble and equip the Rocket Radar. She can appear in both PokeStops under the control of Team GO Rocket and in hot air balloons.

Sierra's first Pokemon choice for the battle will remain the same every time. Murkrow is a Generation II pocket monster with a Dark and Flying dual-type combination. It is weak to Rock, Electric, Ice, and Fairy-type moves.
The best possible counters against Murkrow (Shadow) in Pokemon GO are as follows:
- Zekrom with a moveset of Charge Beam and Wild Charge
- Rampardos with a moveset of Smack Down and Rock Slide
- Electivire with a moveset of Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Rhyperior with a moveset of Smack Down and Rock Wrecker
- Raikou with a moveset of Thunder Shock and Wild Charge

For her second Pokemon, she chooses from the three following options - Staraptor (Shadow), Steelix (Shadow), and Swampert (Shadow). The first option is a Normal and Flying dual-type Generation IV pocket monster that is weak to Rock, Electric, and Ice-type moves. The best possible counters for this matchup are as follows:
- Rampardos with a moveset of Smack Down and Rock Slide
- Zekrom with a moveset of Charge Beam and Wild Charge
- Electivire with a moveset of Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Rhyperior with a moveset of Smack Down and Rock Wrecker
Steelix is a Generation II dual-type pocket monster with a combination of Steel and Ground. It is weak to Fighting, Ground, Fire, and Water-type moves. The best possible counters for this matchup in Pokemon GO are as follows:
- Terrakion with a moveset of Double Kick and Sacred Sword
- Lucario with a moveset of Counter and Aura Sphere
- Chandelure with a moveset of Fire Spin and Overheat
- Blaziken with a moveset of Counter and Blast Burn
- Kingler with a moveset of Bubble and Crabhammer
- Conkeldurr with a moveset of Counter and Dynamic Punch
Swampert is a Water and Ground dual-type Generation III pocket monster that is weak to Grass-type moves. The best possible counters for this matchup are as follows:
- Kartana with a moveset of Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
- Roserade with a moveset of Razor Leaf and Solar Beam
- Tangroth with a moveset of Vine Whip and Power Whip
- Celebi with a moveset of Magical Leaf and Leaf Storm
- Zarude with a moveset of Vine Whip and Power Whip

The final Sierra Pokemon in the battle will be one of the following - Charizard (Shadow), Houndoom (Shadow), and Dragonite (Shadow). Charizard is a Fire and Flying Generation I pocket monster that is susceptible to Rock, Water, and Electric-type moves. The best possible counters for this matchup in Pokemon GO are as follows:
- Rampardos with a moveset of Smack Down and Rock Slide
- Rhyperior with a moveset of Smack Down and Rock Wrecker
- Terrakion with a moveset of Smack Down and Rock Slide
- Kingler with a moveset of Bubble and Crabhammer
Houndoom is a Generation II dual-type pocket monster sporting a combination of Dark and Fire. It is weak to Water, Fighting, Ground, and Rock-type moves. The best possible counters for this matchup are as follows:
- Terrakion with a moveset of Double Kick and Sacred Sword
- Rampardos with a moveset of Smack Down and Rock Slide
- Lucario with a moveset of Counter and Aura Sphere
- Kingler with a moveset of Bubble and Crabhammer
Dragonite is a Generation I pseudo-legendary pocket monster with a Dragon and Flying dual-type. It is weak to Ice, Rock, Dragon and Fairy-type moves. The best possible counters for this matchup in Pokemon GO are as follows:
- Mamoswine with a moveset of Powder Snow and Avalanche
- Weavile with a moveset of Ice Shard and Avalanche
- Glaceon with a moveset of Frost Breath and Avalanche
- Jynx with a moveset of Frost Breath and Avalanche
- Cloyster with a moveset of Frost Breath and Avalanche
Defeating Sierra will allow Pokemon GO trainers a chance to catch Murkrow (Shadow). A shiny variant of the Shadow Pokemon has a chance of appearing. Furthermore, successful players will also get a 12km egg from this battle.
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