Pokemon Infinite Fusion is arguably one of the most appealing fan games of the Pocket Monsters franchise. The gameplay is comparable to traditional Pocket Monsters gameplay but allows trainers to fuse species together to create new and powerful creatures.
With over 170,000 fusion combinations and custom sprites provided by the community, along with more than enough endgame content, Pokemon Infinite Fusion has a ton of replayability. Trainers can fine-tune their experience to fit their tastes, and there are many different game modes to explore. Despite being released eight years ago, it still remains one of the most beloved fan-made games in the Pocket Monsters community.
This article will help trainers download and install Pokemon Infinite Fusion, as it is currently only developed for Windows-based PCs.
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How to install Pokemon Infinite Fusion on Windows
Although some players have reported being able to play Pokemon Infinite Fusion on devices that can emulate Windows platforms, unexpected errors and other issues may occur as a result. This is because the game was created with the Pokemon Essentials engine and is packaged in an .exe file, which is a format that isn't typically accessible by MacOS or Linux machines without special accommodations being made.
However, if fans do have a Windows PC and would like to play Pokemon Infinite Fusion, doing so is fairly straightforward. There are multiple versions of the game available, and players will want to pick the right version for them.
To make things easier, let's focus on installing the Light Version of Pokemon Infinite Fusion. This version of the game allows players to jump into the action without having to download a large pack of custom sprites. Instead, players have the option to download new sprites online as they play the game.
Downloading/installing Infinite Fusion
- Head to the URL https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=347883 and scroll down to the download section of Schrroms' forum post.
- Select either of the download mirrors available. Select the .zip file in the mirror that has "dynamic" in the file name.
- After the download is completed, extract the .zip file to a location of your choosing.
- Open the unzipped file, and then double-click Pokemon Infinite Fusion.exe to open the game.
As previously stated, some players have had success playing the game on other devices using third-party applications and virtual machines, but the developer Schrroms has made it clear that the game is intended for native Windows PCs. Playing the game on other devices may very well be possible, but this could also result in unintended consequences.
Whatever the case, Infinite Fusion should certainly be worth your time. The developers have created a system that makes patching the game incredibly easy, so it receives plenty of periodic updates that improve the overall gameplay experience. Even the current version ( should provide endless hours of Pocket Monster fusing and replayable action for years to come.