Since its release, Pokemon Legends: Arceus has been a hit among old and new Pokemon fans. The fresh spin on the gameplay of the main series brings relevance among the less hardcore Pokemon fanbase who may have been turned to the franchise through other forms of media like the card game or the anime.
Legends take the entire gameplay loop of past Pokemon main series titles and put them in a more fast-paced, action system with almost every part of the game taking place in real-time. While Pokemon can still be battled and caught, players can also catch Pokemon by simply throwing a Pokeball rather than fighting it.
The battle system of Pokemon Legends: Arceus also feels a lot more alive. Unlike previous entries, enemy Pokemon will often move around the battlefield when readying an attack.
Lots of Pokemon even assert themselves by roaring at the trainer and their Pokemon. Players can also move around the battlefield.
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Catching and evolving Rhyhorn in Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Rhyhorn, the Spike Pokemon, has been a favorite among fans since its debut in the first generation. In the anime, as well as its various Pokedex entries throughout the series, Rhyhorn is portrayed as a highly aggressive Pokemon that only skilled trainers have the patience to train.
Luckily, Rhyhorn's reputation can finally come through thanks to the new animations and the AI of wild Pokemon in Legends. Unlike in the main series, certain wild Pokemon can become aggressive towards users and charge at them to cause harm to the player. Rhyhorn is one of these threatening Pokemon.
For trainers skilled enough to catch a Rhyhorn in the wild without being taken down by its fast attacks, it can be an incredibly valuable teammate. Due to Rhyhorn's great attacking power and defensive typing, it can make for a great long-term team member for both lesser and more experienced players.

As the prestigious Rhyhorn Enjoyer carries out their playthrough of Pokemon Legends: Arceus, they may have heard of Rhyhorn's capability to evolve. Rhyhorn has not one but two different evolutions it can go through in the game. However, some gamers may be unaware of how they can trigger this event.
Rhyhorn's first evolution occurs once it reaches level 42. Upon reaching said level, players can select it in their bag menu and select the "Evolve" option. However, Rhyhorn is part of the category of Pokemon to grow in level rather slow compared to other Pokemon. Luckily, there are easy ways to grind for EXP in Legends.
EXP is granted for completing nearly every action possible in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Users wanting to quickly level up their Rhyhorn can use it to knock berries and apricorns from trees or use it to gather ore from the various crystals around the map. Though, these actions do not yield much EXP.

A faster method of leveling up Rhyhorn in Pokemon Legends: Arceus is through EXP Candies. These are pretty common items in Legends and can even be bought from Jubilife Village. EXP Candies come in many sizes and reward more EXP with each increase in size. Alpha Pokemon also drop EXP Candies.
Upon evolving their Rhyhorn into Rhydon, players can begin the grind to evolve it into Rhyperior. Rhyperior was Rhyhorn's evolution added in the franchise's fourth generation and is the only Pokemon to require the Protector item. Users can buy this item from the Outpost Trader or find it in Space-Time Rifts.
Once they obtain this item, gamers will need to use it from their bag on Rhydon to evolve it into Rhyperior. Finding this item can be a pain for some players, so many desperate for a Rhyperior catch one in the Coronet Highlands. Users can do this, but it does not count in the Pokedex for evolving Rhydon.
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