In Pokemon GO, evolving Totodile to its final form means gathering sufficient Candy. Totodile is a Water-type Pokemon with a mischievous and playful personality as seen in the anime. This Gen II Water-type starter is the first evolution stage of its evolution line, leading eventually to the powerful Feraligatr. If you want to add Feraligatr to your Pokedex or make your team more powerful, you need to know how to evolve Totodile.
With the March Community Day Classic coming up, players will have an excellent chance to catch and evolve Totodile with ease. Here is a guide on how to evolve a Totodile into a Croconaw and then into a Feraligatr in Pokemon GO.
How to evolve Totodile into Croconaw in Pokemon GO

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Evolving a Totodile into a Croconaw is easy. It will take 25 Totodile Candy to complete this evolution. Once you have 25 Candy, just go to Totodile in your Pokemon list and tap the "Evolve" button to get a Croconaw.
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How to evolve Croconaw into Feraligatr in Pokemon GO
After evolving Totodile into Croconaw, the next step is evolving Croconaw into Feraligatr. This evolution requires 100 Totodile Candy. Similar to the first evolution, catching more Totodile and using Pinap Berries will speed up the process.
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Tips to evolve Totodile in Pokemon GO faster

- Using Lures and Incense: These items will increase Totodile spawns, allowing you to catch more and collect Candy quicker.
- Hatching Totodile from Eggs: Totodile can sometimes hatch from 2 km or 5 km eggs, providing a chance to receive additional Candy.
- Trading with friends: If you trade a Totodile with a friend, the Candy cost for evolution may be reduced, depending on the friendship level.
- Walk with Totodile: Set Totodile, or anyone from the evolution line, as a buddy to get more Candy.
- Community Day and other events: One of the best chances to evolve Totodile to Feraligatr is on March Community Day Classic, happening on Saturday, March 22, 2025, from 2 PM to 5 PM local time. Throughout the event, Totodile will hatch more often, simplifying collecting Candy.
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How to evolve Shiny Totodile into Shiny Croconaw and Shiny Feraligatr in Pokemon GO
The Candy requirements for evolving Shiny Totodile are the same as the regular ones. If you are lucky enough to catch a Shiny Totodile, you can evolve it to Shiny Croconaw with 25 Candy and then to Shiny Feraligatr with 100 Candy. You may find the Shiny version while it is available for events, which will be rarer to encounter compared to the ordinary form.
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Totodile, Croconaw, and Feraligatr in Pokemon GO: Stats and moves

- Max CP: 1279
- Attack: 117
- Defense: 109
- Stamina: 137
- Fast Moves: Water Gun, Scratch
- Charged Moves: Crunch, Aqua Jet, Water Pulse
- Max CP: 1947
- Attack: 150
- Defense: 142
- Stamina: 163
- Fast Moves: Water Gun, Scratch
- Charged Moves: Crunch, Ice Punch, Water Pulse
- Max CP: 3230
- Attack: 205
- Defense: 188
- Stamina: 198
- Fast Moves: Waterfall, Bite, Ice Fang, Shadow Claw, Water Gun
- Charged Moves: Crunch, Ice Punch, Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon
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Feraligatr is a powerful Water-type Pokemon with access to high-powered moves, so it's a good choice for Pokemon GO battles. If you're evolving Totodile for collection or competitive battling, this guide will help you have a smooth evolution process.
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