In the vibrant universe of Pokemon GO, Blitzle remains a sought-after catch in the quest of trainers worldwide to catch them all. Among the diverse range of Pocket Monsters available in the game, this Electric-type from the Unova region has sparked the interest of many trainers.
Known for its striking appearance and electrifying moves, this critter can be a valuable addition to your Pokemon team. In this article, we will look into the details of encountering this Gen 5 Electric-type and its shiny variant in Pokemon GO.
How to get Blitzle and its Shiny variant in Pokemon GO?
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With a Max CP of 998, it may not be the strongest contender for gym battles, but its most efficient moveset comprising Spark, Discharge, and Flame Charge makes it a Pokemon worth catching. Additionally, this creature is weather boosted by Rain weather, enhancing its appearance rates and stats during specific weather conditions.
For those trainers on the lookout for this electric equine, it spawns in the wild, though its spawn rate is lesser compared to many other Pokemon. Currently, the critter is not available in any eggs in the game, so catching it in the wild is your best bet.
Fortunately, for those collectors and enthusiasts aiming for that extra sparkle, Blitzle's shiny variant is available in Pokemon GO.
Catching a Blitzle in Pokemon GO
To increase your chances of encountering Blitzle, using an Incense and heading to a PokeStop with a Lure attached can be particularly effective. These items, available in the game's shop for PokeCoins, increase the spawn rate of all Pokemon in the vicinity, enhancing your chances of coming across this pocket monster.
Additionally, considering its boosted appearance during Rain weather, trainers should take advantage of stormy weather to hunt for this Pokemon.
When attempting to catch this Electric-type, it's useful to know that its base catch rate is 24.03%, which is calculated for catching a Level 20 Pokemon with no berries. A curved Great throw can significantly increase your chances to a 50.38% catch rate, and employing a Razz Berry can further boost that to 65.04%.
Encountering Blitzle during Pokemon GO Charged-Up Research Day
A prime opportunity for trainers to catch Blitzle, including its shiny variant, is during the Pokemon GO Charged Up Research Day. Scheduled to run from 2 pm to 5 pm local time on March 3, 2024, this limited-time event offers trainers the chance to encounter this creature with increased spawn rates.
Event-themed Field Research tasks, obtainable by spinning Photo Discs at PokeStops, will also lead to encounters with this Unova habitant.
During the Charged Up Research Day, trainers should maximize their time by visiting as many PokeStops as possible to collect and complete Field Research tasks. This not only increases your encounters but also heightens your chances of stumbling upon a shiny form.
Remember, the shiny variant of Blitzle is a rare find, making it a sought-after catch for many trainers.
Whether you're a collector aiming to add every shiny Pokemon to your Pokedex or a competitive player seeking to utilize this critter's electric moves in battle, knowing how to maximize your chances of encountering this Pokemon is key.
By taking advantage of specific game mechanics and special events like the Charged Up Research Day, trainers can enhance their Pokemon GO experience.
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