Bruxish in Pokemon GO has a unique color scheme and is a decent pocket monster for casual battles. It has been available in the game for over two years. Festival of Colors 2025 will introduce Shiny Bruxish as one of the wild encounters. Bruxish is a Water- and Psychic-type Pocket Monster that neither evolves from nor into anything.
This article covers everything you need to know about acquiring Bruxish in Pokemon GO.
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How to get Bruxish in Pokemon GO
There are four ways to obtain Bruxish in Pokemon GO:
Wild encounters
- Raid Battles
- Research task encounter rewards
- Trade

Wild encounters
This pocket monster can be obtained in the wild in the Festival of Colors event, which will start on March 13, 2025, at 10 am local time and end on March 17, 2025, at 8 pm local time. Bruxish that you get as a wild encounter will have the following maximum CP:
Weather boosted (Rain and Windy): 2,219 CP
- No weather boost: 2,048 CP
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Raid Battles
One-star raids featuring Bruxish in Pokemon GO provide opportunities to challenge the creature and obtain it. It is a Water- and Psychic-type species, with weaknesses to Bug, Dark, Electric, Ghost, and Grass-type moves. You can build its counters revolving around these weaknesses and win Bruxish raids.
A Bruxish obtained from raids can have CP ranging from:
Weather boosted: 1,295 CP - 1,365 CP at Level 20 (10/10/10 minimum IVs)
- No weather boost: 1,620 CP - 1,707 CP at Level 25 (10/10/10 minimum IVs)
Also read: 5 Shiny Pokemon worth hunting for in Pokemon GO Festival of Colors 2025
Research task encounter rewards
The game sometimes features Bruxish as an encounter award in Research tasks. Festival of Colors 2025 is one such event. Completing Timed research quests during this period will give you encounters with Bruxish in Pokemon GO.
The maximum catch CP of a Bruxish from a Research task is 1,024.
Trade is the most reliable method to get Bruxish in the AR mobile game. You can simply ask your in-game friend to trade the creature with you.
Can Bruxish be shiny in Pokemon GO?

Yes, Bruxish can be shiny from the start of the Festival of Colors event on March 13, 2025. This variation will be a new prize possession for many collectors.
Other guides on Pokemon GO:
- Ditto disguises
- Buddy Evolution Adventure Together guide
- Best Fast Attacks in Pokemon GO
- Sierra counters
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- Arlo counters
- Giovanni counters
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