With the announcement of Pokemon GO's yearly GO Fest and the reveal of Diance, the Mythical Pokemon, many players are excited about what the mobile game has to offer in the near future. Thankfully, Niantic has given players a way to get a taste of what's to come in the celebration in the form of the new creature, Carbink.
Carbink has been a very interesting Pocket Monster since its debut and the arrival of one of Kalos' Mythical Pokemon, Diance. With both creatures sharing a very similar design, many fans speculated that they were related until Game Freak officially confirmed it.
However, finding Carbink in Pokemon GO is not as simple as many trainers might initially think. The only way players can currently find Carbink is sure to rub many fans the wrong way.
So, how can trainers add this special little diamond to their collection and fill out their Pokedex?
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Everything to know about 'In the Rough' Research and Carbink in Pokemon GO

The only way players can currently obtain Carbink is by purchasing their Global Pokemon GO Fest ticket. Even then, the research task questline used to find the creature can only be redeemed by trainers who pre-purchase their tickets prior to July 5, 2023. This means the Pocket Monster is currently locked behind a paywall.
Even after players pre-purchase their tickets, they do not get access to Carbink right away. Instead, they will need to complete the 'In the Rough' research in order to get the opportunity to catch one (and only one).
There will also be a second timed research that will be available in July to those who pre-purchase their ticket. However, it is unconfirmed if this questline will grant another encounter with Carbink.
Here is a list of tasks players must complete in Pokemon GO in order to encounter Carbink, as well as the rewards each one grants:
- Play with your Buddy 5 times - One Lure Module
- Open five gifts - 10 Ultra Balls
- Make 10 Great Throws - 500 Stardust
- Power up 10 Rock or Fairy-type Pokemon - Encounter with Onix
- Catch 25 different species of Pokemon - One Lucky Egg
After completing each of these tasks, players will be rewarded with 3,000 XP, three silver Pinap Berries, and an encounter with Carbink.
Is Carbink worth it in Pokemon GO?
Given its less-than-impressive performance in the main series, many players would be under the impression that Carbink would be terrible in Pokemon GO. However, this could not be further from the truth.
Carbink hosts a unique Rock and Fairy typing, as well as one of the best defense stats in the Great League. This sadly means that Niantic has yet again released a pay-to-win creature for only those willing to drop the massive $15 cost on a pre-order for an underwhelming event.
While Carbink will eventually become available for all trainers, for the next two months, those who do not have access to this creature should just avoid Great League to not get walled off by its users.
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