Hunting for Shiny Alolan Vulpix in Indigo Disk can be a serious pain if you do not know where to look in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This is because Shiny Pocket Monsters are extremely rare to come by. Moreover, there is a very subtle difference between the regular and shiny variants of Alolan Vulpix. The eyes and inner ears of Shiny Alolan Vulpix are purplish compared to the blue on the normal variant.
It is not just in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet that you will have a hard time catching shiny creatures. The story is the same in almost all the games in the Pokemon franchise.
To help you, we will walk you through everything you need to know to find a guaranteed Shiny Alolan Vulpix in Indigo Disk, including its location and how you can catch it.
(Note: This shiny hunting exploit will work in Pokemon Scarlet only. You can catch the creature in Scarlet and bring it over to Violet. If you do this exploit in Pokemon Violet, you will meet Shiny Alolan Sandshrew.)
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Shiny Alolan Vulpix location in Indigo Disk | Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

You must rely on a shiny hunting exploit in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet to get guaranteed Shiny Alolan Vulpix in Indigo Disk. To do this exploit, you will have to go south of the Polar Plaza in the Polar Biome until you come across a cave.
If you want to be sure that you are in the right location, you will have to look for a Metang at the entrance of the cave. Finding a Metang at the entrance of the cave will ensure that you are where you should be. The first thing you need to do as you enter the cave is knock out the Metang. Otherwise, it will attack you and you will have to duel with it.
Once that is out of the way, you will have to set up a Picnic in the middle of the cave. You must then prepare a particular type of sandwich. However, make sure to save your game’s progress up to here. This will allow you to reload your game to your save point in case you don’t get the shiny variant on the first attempt.

You will have to prepare an Ice-type Sandwich since Alolan Vulpix is an Ice-type Pocket Monster. For this, you will need the following ingredients:
- 1 Klawf Stick
- 1 Salty Herba Mystica
- 1 Spicu or Sour Herba Mystica
This sandwich will increase your shiny rate, making your shiny hunt less tedious.
Once that is done, you will have to mount your ride-Pokemon – Koraidon. If you don’t do this, the Pocket Monster will not spawn while you are in the cave. Leave the cave and go back in to properly reset the Alolan Vulpix spawns.
Repeat this step a few times and you will get a guaranteed Shiny Alolan Vulpix in Indigo Disk of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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