Unlike many other shiny-hunting exploits in the Indigo Disk DLC of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, shiny hunting Cyndaquil will not be as easy. This is because Cyndaquil is extremely difficult to come by. You can find this monster in only one cave in the whole game, making the process fairly rigid.
In this article, we will walk you through everything you need to know about encountering and catching a Shiny Cyndaquil in the Indigo Disk DLC of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, including where to find it.
Shiny Cyndaquil location in Indigo Disk | Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

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While there is a guaranteed location where you can find Cyndaquil, the spawns are very sparse. However, this guide will explain how to get at least 10 spawns with every reset, thus making your shiny hunt less tedious.
This shiny exploit for Cyndaquil will work irrespective of whether you have an outbreak or not, which means you are certain to get it in your box.
Before you start using this exploit for Shiny Cyndaquil, you will need to unlock the starter Pocket Monsters in the Polar Biome using 3,000 Blueberry Points (BP). You will have to complete some Blueberry Quests (BBQs) to earn the necessary BP. This way, you can unlock Cyandaquil and make it spawn in this particular location.
That said, you will have to make your way to the location shown in the picture above. You will be greeted with a Duraludon or a Tera Minior that must first be taken out.
Once that is done, climb on a ledge that you will find on the cave's left wall. Face the entrance and set up a Picnic. However, make sure you save your game before doing so. That way, if the exploit goes wrong, you can reload your save without losing any resources.
You will have to make a Fire-type sandwich for which you will need the following ingredients:
- 1 Basil
- 1 Salty Herba Mystica
- 1 Spicy Herba Mystica (You can also use sweet or sour)
Using this Sandwich, you can hunt for Shiny Cyndaquil in this region of the Terarium. This Fire-type sandwich will ensure that you get Cyndaquil spawns inside the cave without having to worry about Ice-type spawns outside.

Then, move to the left of the ledge, tilt your camera up, and wait for a few minutes. You will see Cyndaquil approach your location. There will be more spawns the longer you wait in this place.
If you don’t get a shiny on the first try, do a Picnic reset. This is where you set up a Picnic and pack up to reset the spawns in your vicinity. Resetting the Cyndaquil spawns will increase your chances of getting a shiny variant of this Pocket Monster in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
If you do not see a spawn after 5-10 seconds of a Picnic reset, perform another reset immediately. Otherwise, an idle Cyndaquil sitting at the spawn point will ruin the entire process of this Pokemon Scarlet and Violet quest.
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