Players can get hidden abilities for their critters in two different ways in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The first is using an item called the Ability Patch. Alternatively, you can try the second method to catch a Pokemon with a Hidden Ability from a Tera Raid. The main way to get Ability Patches is by completing 6-star and 7-star Tera Raids. That means battling in the Tera Crystals which spawn in the overworld, is mandatory for getting Hidden Abilities, regardless of the method you choose.
Trainers should know that there are some more details worth sharing, including drop rates and other vital information.
How to get Hidden Ability Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet

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If you want to give one of your Pocket Monsters their Hidden Ability in Scarlet and Violet, then you must use an Ability Patch. Here is how that item works:
- It can change the recipient's normal Ability to its hidden one
- It can change the recipient's Hidden Ability to a normal one
- This item doesn't work on Pokemon without a Hidden Ability
The Ability Patch can only be used once. Thus, it's imperative for Trainers to farm several of them should they wish to have multiple Pokemon with Hidden Abilities.
The main are you can get Ability Patches from is by completing 6-star Tera Raids. Every 6-star Tera Raid has a 4.55% chance of dropping this item. Keep in mind that you are battling against Level 90s here, so inexperienced Trainers will have some trouble farming this item.
Do note that its 7-star Tera Raids can also drop Ability Patches, but these battles are time-locked behind certain days. Still, it's another option to consider if they're around by the time you read this guide.
Catching Pokemon with Hidden Abilities in Scarlet and Violet

All Tera Raids from the 3-star rarity and above have the potential to give the Pokemon you're fighting their Hidden Ability. Just remember that not everything has more than one Ability. For example, the 5-star Mismagius will always have Levitate.
There is also no guarantee that the thing you're fighting will have the Ability you're looking for. It's all RNG-based, although the odds are nowhere near as bad as a 4.55% chance of getting an Ability Patch from 6-star Tera Raids.
What are Hidden Abilities in Scarlet and Violet?

Hidden Abilities are a feature in Scarlet and Violet where Pokemon can have an additional Ability that's normally inaccessible in the wild. It's vital to mention that these elusive Abilities aren't always better than the standard ones.
For example, Delibird infamously has Insomnia as an alternative to Vital Spirit, which is one of its standard Abilities. Both Insomnia and Vital Spirit do the same thing, so it would be a waste to use an Ability Patch on Delibird (past the fact that Delibird is very weak in general).
However, there are instances where Hidden Abilities are much better. Cyclizar normally gets Shed Skin as its Ability, but using an Ability Patch gives it Regenerator, which is much more useful when used in conjunction with Cyclizar's powerful Shed Tail move.
The 10 best Hidden Abilities for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trainers to keep in mind are Fluffy Houndsone, Moxie Quaquaval, Prankster Grafaiai, Speed Boost Espathra, Moody Scovillain, Filter Revavroom, Technician Maushold, Iron Fist Pawmot, Costar Flamigo, and Unaware Skeledirge.
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