Pokemon GO fans only have a couple of days to prepare for Turtwig’s Spotlight Hour.
With the release of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl around the corner, Pokemon GO is celebrating with events centered around Generation IV Pokemon. Not only will the next Community Day be dedicated to Shinx, but each of the three Generation IV starters will get a Spotlight Hour, starting with Turtwig.
What can trainers do to prepare for this Grass-type Pokemon's Spotlight Hour?
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The best way to prepare for any Spotlight Hour is for trainers to make sure they are stocked up on the right items. With good preparation, trainers can walk away from Spotlight Hours with multiple Pokemon leveled up and more.
The first item that trainers should naturally stock up on are PokeBalls. Most of the Pokemon featured in Spotlight Hours are common Pokemon, so Great Balls or Ultra Balls won’t be necessary.
Another great item trainers can use during these Spotlight Hours is incense. These attract wild Pokemon, making it much easier to rack up encounters. Luckily, incense lasts for a full hour, so players can set one to last for the entire Spotlight Hour.
For Turtwig’s Spotlight Hour specifically, trainers can benefit from Mossy Lure Modules. These items attract Grass-type Pokemon like Turtwig, along with Poison-types and Bug-types.

The bonus during this Spotlight Hour will be double Catch Stardust, so trainers might want to consider catching as many Turtwigs as possible for the additional benefits. Trainers should also think about which Pokemon they want to have increased CP, that way they know who to give Stardust to.
Finally, a great item for these events is the Lucky Egg. When this item is activated, any XP gain will be doubled. Since trainers are likely planning on catching tons of Turtwig anyways, they can grind XP as well as Stardust.
If any trainers are down to their last Lucky Egg, however, they might want to consider holding onto it. The next Spotlight Hour (which will feature the Fire-type starter Chimchar) will have a bonus of double Catch XP. This means, with a Lucky Egg active, trainers can get exponentially more XP than they would otherwise.
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