Season 18 of Pokemon GO Battle League is well underway, with a legion of players taking each other head-on to be the very best in battle.
After climbing the numbered ranks in the game's PvP scene, trainers will be tasked with achieving the final four ranks of Ace, Veteran, Expert, and Legend. Legend is the culmination of a trainer's hard work and gives them a substantial reward to compensate for the hours of battling they had to undertake to achieve the pinnacle of PvP battle.
What are the requirements for reaching Legend rank in Pokemon GO?

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In Pokemon GO, the rise from Rank 1 PvP to Legend is a long and difficult one, but Niantic makes the rewards worth it every season despite the top rewards changing each time. A list of ranks and their requirements can be found below:
This is obviously easier said than done, especially in the non-numbered ranks where a player's rating comes into play as opposed to simply winning and finishing battles.
However, if trainers want to catch a special Pikachu Libre and obtain some cool avatar items for the current season, they'll need to keep grinding and defeating opponents to raise their rating to 3000 or higher.
It's easy to simply say so, but with several prepared teams sporting top Pokemon picks in the meta, players should be able to raise their rank progressively.
This will definitely not be an easy task, as many top-tier trainers compete in the higher ranks of any of Pokemon GO's divisions in the Battle League. Players are required to constantly tweak their team to meet the demands of the current meta to have a chance to counter the top Pokemon or defeat them outright with better options.
All facets of battle, including type advantages, Fast and Charge Moves, stats, and CP, must be considered when building a team. Just as important as a trainer's team is their battle strategy. If they misuse their best Pokemon or waste their shields with abandon, Pokemon GO trainers may see the losses pile up and their ranking take a dip.
Practice and planning are the names of the games in Pokemon GO PvP. There's no perfect strategy or silver bullet that will allow players to achieve Legend rank easily or quickly.
Raising through the PvP ranks is a grind, perhaps one of the most difficult in the entire game, but it's a long way to the top if you want to be celebrated as a Legend for the season. Keep your eye on the prize and play smart. Trainers will need to be at their peak performance in order to grab the top rank.
Check out our Pokemon GO Battle League guides:
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