A new season of Pokemon GO called Adventures Abound went live on September 1, 2023, and it is set to introduce tons of new critters and events to the title in the upcoming days. One of the highlights of this season is the arrival of the Ultra Beast Celesteela as a five-star raid boss. This Pokemon is usually region-locked to the Southern Hemisphere, although it was specially available in the Northern Hemisphere in September 2023.
Celesteela appeared once again on raids on July 10, 2024, only on the Southern Hemisphere.
It is recommended that you participate in these raids with a team of four. However, since Niantic nerfed Remote Raid Passes in Pokemon GO earlier this year, many players, especially those in rural areas, will likely be unable to find others to raid with. This leaves them with the difficult task of attempting to take down powerful raid bosses like Celesteela on their own. While it is possible to solo Celesteela, it is not going to be a walk in the park.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
How to defeat Celesteela raid solo in Pokemon GO

The most important thing to note before fighting Celesteela in Pokemon GO is its elemental typing. This Ultra Beast is a Steel and Flying-type, which makes it vulnerable to only Fire and Electric-type attacks.
As a 5-star raid boss in Pokemon GO, Celesteela will have a combat power (CP) of 39774. Although this might not seem as high as that of Kartana, it is still a more difficult battle. This is because Kartana has a 2x weakness to Fire-type attacks, while both of Celesteela's weaknesses are 1x.
Only a team consisting of five level 50 Shadow Pokemon with a type advantage along with one Mega Evolution has a chance of defeating this critter without support.
Some creatures you should consider while making a team to take on Celesteela are:
- Shadow Magnezone: Volt Switch and Zap Cannon
- Shadow Ampharos: Volt Switch and Zap Cannon
- Shadow Manetric: Thunder Fang and Thunder
- Shadow Charizard: Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Shadow Blaziken: Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Shadow Houndoom: Fire Fang and Flamethrower
You can also use maxed-out Legendary Pokemon and other Ultra Beasts in this battle:
- Zekrom: Charge Beam and Fusion Bolt
- Reshiram: Fire Fang and Fusion Flare
- Thundurus (Therian): Volt Switch and Thunderbolt
- Heatran: Fire Spin and Magma Storm
- Xurkitree: Thunder Shock and Discharge
Additionally, Shadow Zapdos can be an excellent counter to Celesteela if you have the resources to max out and add a second Charged Move.
While taking part in raids in Pokemon GO, you should always have a Mega Evolution on your team. For this particular battle, the best options are:
- Mega Ampharos: Volt Switch and Zap Cannon
- Mega Manetric: Thunder Fang and Thunder
- Mega Charizard: Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Mega Blaziken: Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Mega Houndoom: Fire Fang and Flamethrower
Lastly, make sure to have enough Max Revives in your bag, as you cannot afford to waste time reviving and then healing your team members every time they faint.
Following these tactics will give you the best chance to defeat Celesteela on your own in Pokemon GO raids. That said, it is still recommended that you try to find a couple of raid buddies, and you should only attempt to solo this critter as a last resort.
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