Can you solo defeat Garchomp in Pokemon GO's 3-star raids? It's a question plenty of trainers have asked themselves since the beloved Ground/Dragon-type species returned to the raid arena. Fortunately, the answer is you can beat this raid boss on your own, but you'll need the right counters to get the job done and exploit its most glaring weaknesses.
While there are multiple ways to solo defeat Garchomp in Pokemon GO raids, the best strategy is to exploit its double weakness to Ice-type moves and the Pocket Monsters who wield them the best.
Since Garchomp is a great fighter and has access to a very powerful Mega Evolution, you won't want to miss the opportunity to beat it in a raid and catch one for yourself when possible.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
What to do to solo defeat Garchomp in Pokemon GO

What is super effective on Garchomp?
As a Ground/Dragon-type Pokemon, Garchomp is susceptible to Ice-, Dragon-, and Fairy-type moves in Pokemon GO. It takes 160% damage from Dragon- and Fairy-type attacks but 256% from Ice-type moves since it's both Dragon- and Ground-type. This makes an Ice-type arsenal the best option to counter and defeat Garchomp solo in 3-star raids.
With a base stat total of 201 Attack, 151 Defense, 3,600 HP, and a Combat Power of 23,883, Garchomp might seem like a dangerous foe. However, by using the right Ice-type counter, you should be in great shape to solo defeat Garchomp in Pokemon GO's 3-star raids with more than enough time left on the raid timer.
What Pocket Monsters can solo defeat Garchomp in Pokemon GO?
Mamoswine with Powder Snow as its Fast Attack and Avalanche as its Charged Attack should be more than enough to beat Garchomp solo in 3-star raids. Based on PokeBattler simulations, a Mamoswine with quality IVs and an approximate CP of 3,328 should be capable of defeating Garchomp on its own in 85.3 seconds, even without being Weather Boosted from Sunny or Snowy weather.
This leaves roughly 100 seconds on the raid timer. However, Mamoswine may faint around three times before the raid is concluded, so you should keep some Max Revives on hand.
You can deal even more damage and finish the raid faster with Shadow Mamoswine, but its reduced durability can still lead to a few faints before the raid is through.
In addition to Mamoswine, the following counter picks can also perform extremely well when you need to solo defeat Garchomp in Pokemon GO 3-star raids:
- Shadow Weavile with Ice Shard and Avalanche
- Galarian Darmanitan with Ice Fang and Avalanche
- Baxcalibur with Ice Fang and Avalanche
- Mega Rayquaza with Dragon Tail and Outrage
As long as the picks above have the highest possible CP and IV stats, they should be in good shape to solo defeat Garchomp in Pokemon GO with relative ease.
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