The process of beating Grotle solo in Pokemon GO's 3-star raids is fairly straightforward, though trainers who haven't done so before might need a little help. Currently, Grotle is available as a 3-star raid boss alongside its fellow Sinnoh starter evolutions, Monferno and Prinplup. If you're hoping to snag yourself a Torterra, beating Grotle and capturing it is a great way to get started.
The good news is as long as you're using the right counters with high CP and IV stats in Pokemon GO, Grotle can be beaten solo with plenty of time left on the raid timer. As a Grass/Ground-type Pokemon, Grotle has five weaknesses to take advantage of, giving you plenty of breathing room for assembling your best team to take it down in raids.
How to beat Grotle solo in Pokemon GO raids

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Before diving into this Pokemon GO raid, you must know Grotle's stats and weaknesses so you can counter it efficiently. The critter is weak to Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, and Poison-type moves, so using these selections and Pokemon is the best strategy. You'll want to avoid Electric, Grass, Ground, and Water-types since Grotle resists their damage.
Grotle's base Attack stat measures out to 157, while its base Defense tops out at 143. As a 3-star raid boss, it will have a total of 3,600 HP. Meanwhile, the critter's CP as a boss should measure out to about 12,972, and you'll have three minutes/180 seconds to defeat it before the raid fails.
Grotle has access to the Fast Attacks Bite and Razor Leaf in Pokemon GO, while it can use the Charged Moves Solar Beam, Body Slam, or Energy Ball. Since the beast only uses three elemental types with its moves (Dark, Grass, Normal), assembling a team to resist them is pretty simple. As long as you use high CP and high IV counters, Grotle shouldn't be too much of a challenge.
If you're going to solo Grotle, you can take it down with this team:
- Mega Charizard Y with Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Shadow Moltres with Fire Spin and Sky Attack
- Reshiram with Fire Fang and Fusion Flare
- Shadow Chandelure with Fire Spin and Overheat
- Shadow Blaziken with Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Shadow Staraptor with Gust and Fly
However, if you don't have access to these Pokemon/moves (or don't want to waste energy on Mega Evolution), use these counter picks to swap into your Pokemon GO team:
- Heatran with Fire Spin and Magma Storm
- Shadow Honchkrow with Peck and Sky Attack
- Ho-Oh with Incinerate and Brave Bird
- Shadow Infernape with Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Shadow Typhlosion with Incinerate and Blast Burn
- Darmanitan with Fire Fang and Overheat
- Shadow Arcanine with Fire Fang and Flamethrower
- Shadow Gengar with Lick and Sludge Bomb
- Shadow Unfezant with Air Slash and Sky Attack
Although Grotle should be pretty easy to take down with these counters in Pokemon GO's 3-star raids, there are other details to consider for success. Specifically, practice your timing to dodge this critter's Charged Moves, as they can still do a sizable amount of damage even when they're resisted.
Lastly, it's best to stock up on Max Revives as much as possible. Faintings likely won't happen as much as higher-tier Pokemon GO raids this month, but it's best to be prepared to revive your beasts as quickly as possible.
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