Licktung is set to be a 3-star raid boss in Pokemon GO. Weather Week 2024 will start at 10 am local time on March 14 and end on March 17 at 8 pm local time. During the event, the Pocket Monster will be a raid feature, and you can take it down solo with the right counters.
For that to happen, you must be extra careful. You will need robust fighters with impressive battle stats and heavy-hitting moves to emerge victorious. A little bit of information on your opponent is also required.
How to beat Lickitung in Pokemon GO alone

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
If you want to beat Lickitung in Pokemon GO raids solo, you must use high-level Pocket Monsters with powerful moves. Attacks that deal significant damage to the critter should be the priority because you will only be given limited time to defeat the raid boss. You cannot keep healing your fighters with Max Revives to get back in the battle when there is a time limit.
Lickitung is a solo Normal-type Pokemon with weaknesses in Fighting-type moves. It takes 160% increased damage from these attacks, so your counters should learn them. You can also utilize the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) effect, which can be turned on by using Pocket Monsters and moves with similar typing.
The best Fighting-type Pokemon and moves to use in the Lickitung raid would be Blaziken with Counter and Focus Blast. It inflicts 47.10 damage per second (DPS) and has 1636.7 total damage output (TDO). This stat means you have a higher chance of landing more hits before fainting.
You should note that Lickitung in Pokemon GO 3-star raids will have 9099 Combat Power (CP) and 3600 Hit Points (HP). It will have 108 Attack, 137 Defense, and 207 Stamina. Your counters will face Lick and Zen Headbutt as Fast Attacks, as well as Hyper Beam, Power Whip, Stomp, and Body Slam.
These details make Lickitung a challenging opponent to defeat alone. However, it is not impossible with the right counters.
Best counters for Lickitung in Pokemon GO

Lickitung is only weak to Fighting-type attacks, so you can use the following Pokemon with the STAB effect;
- Terrakion with Double Kick and Sacred Sword
- Lucario with Counter and Aura Sphere
- Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Pheromosa with Low Kick and Focus Blast
- Hariyama with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Mega Blaziken with Counter and Focus Blast
- Shadow Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Mega Alakazam with Counter and Focus Blast
- Buzzwole with Counter and Superpower
Although these creatures will assist you in the battle against Lickitung, you should remember to dodge its incoming Charged moves.
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