Scolipede in Pokemon GO is the Bug- and Poison-type evolution of Venipede, which made its debut on January 10, 2020, with the introduction of the Trade Evolution feature. This powerful Pokemon is set to appear as a 3-star raid boss during the Wild Area: Global event from November 23, 2024, to November 24, 2024.
Whether you're looking to add Scolipede to your Pokedex or stock up on its candy, this guide will help you to take it down solo. With strategic planning and the right Pokemon counters, defeating Scolipede on your own is entirely possible.
Let’s break down Scolipede’s key stats, its weaknesses, and the best Pokemon to bring to the battle.
Note: Parts of this article are subjective and reflect the writer's opinion.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
How to solo defeat Scolipede in Pokemon GO Shadow Raids

Type: Bug and Poison
Combat Power: 17,997 (Raid Boss CP)
- Attack: 203
- Defense: 175
- Stamina: 3,600 HP
Fast Attacks: Bug Bite, Poison Jab
Charged Attacks: Megahorn, Sludge Bomb, X-Scissor, Gyro Ball
Weaknesses: Fire, Flying, Psychic, Rock (160%)
Resistances: Bug (63%), Fairy (63%), Poison (63%), Fighting (39%), Grass (39%)
Note: The recommended solo-capable counter Pokemon are based on simulated game data, and results may vary. For best results, it's advised for the recommended Pokemon below to have the highest possible IV stats and be powered up to the highest possible CP to successfully clear the raid solo.
Also read: How to get Scolipede in Pokemon GO, and can it be shiny?
Without any Weather Boosts in play
To defeat Scolipede in Pokemon GO solo, focus on Pokemon with strong Fire, Flying, Psychic, or Rock moves. Here are the best options without relying on weather boosts:
Top Counters (No Weather Boost):
- Mega Rayquaza with Air Slash and Dragon Ascent
- Shadow Mewtwo with Confusion and Psystrike
- Mega Blaziken with Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Mega Alakazam with Confusion and Psychic
- Shadow Salamence with Fire Fang and Fly
Also read: Pokemon GO Wild Area: Global preparation guide
Additional solo counters to Scolipede in Pokemon GO raids based on Weather Boosts

- Mega Latios with Zen Headbutt and Psychic
- Mega Diancie with Rock Throw and Rock Slide
- Mega Gardevoir with Confusion and Psychic
- Mega Pidgeot with Gust and Brave Bird
- Mega Charizard X with Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Mega Charizard Y with Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Mega Gallade with Confusion and Psychic
- Shadow Ho-Oh with Extrasensory and Brave Bird
- Shadow Metagross with Zen Headbutt and Psychic
- Shadow Rampardos with Smack Down and Rock Slide
- Shadow Chandelure with Fire Spin and Overheat
- Shadow Entei with Fire Spin and Overheat
- Shadow Darmanitan with Fire Fang and Overheat
- Shadow Staraptor with Wing Attack and Brave Bird
- Shadow Moltres with Fire Spin and Overheat
- Shadow Typhlosion with Incinerate and Blast Burn
- Reshiram with Fire Fang and Fusion Flare
- Hoopa - Unbound with Confusion and Psychic
Also read: How to solo defeat Tapu Koko in Pokemon GO 5-star raids
Additional tips
- Dodging Charged Moves: Scolipede’s powerful Charged Moves, like Megahorn or Sludge Bomb, can quickly deplete your Pokemon’s health. Practice dodging these attacks to maximize your chances.
- Choose high-level Pokemon: Level 40+ Pokemon with high CP and type advantages will significantly improve your success rate.
- Use Mega boosts: If possible, include a Mega Pokemon in your lineup to enhance your team’s performance with its type-boosting aura.
Also read: Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour schedule (November 2024)
Once you defeat Scolipede in Pokemon GO, you’ll have the opportunity to catch it using Premier Balls. Its max CP when caught will range between 1,319 and 1,379 (non-weather boosted). While Scolipede cannot be shiny during this event, it’s still a valuable addition for Bug- and Poison-type teams.
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