The Dragon Tera Charizard Raid Boss is returning to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet following the announcement of its event during the Pokemon Day showcase in February. With the new Tera Blastoise and Vensaur events coming to pass, the only one that remains of the three is Mighty Charizard.
You will find these Charizard raids if you connect to the Poke Portal from March 13, 2024, to March 17, 2024. While many trainers may be excited to challenge this returning boss with their friends, others may want to take it on solo, with only the games' provided NPCs for support.
For these daring few, here is what to know about the Mighty Charizard.
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Is it possible to defeat Tera Charizard solo in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

From its first time in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players have already discovered a tried-and-true strategy for dealing with Charizard as effectively as possible.
While it is possible to take down the Mighty Charizard in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet alone, this does not mean it is easy, especially if you do not have the select counter ready.
How to easily counter Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Mighty Charizard Raid Boss

The community has determined that Azumarill is the best Pokemon possible for this fight. Thanks to its Fairy typing, it is immune to Charizard's Dragon-type attacks. Meanwhile, its primary Water typing grants it resistance to Charizard's Fire moves.
However, for the highest chance of success, you will need to invest a bit of time and resources into getting the best Azumarill possible.
If you get lucky enough, you can find one through another Tera Raid with a higher chance of possessing better stats. You can also earn some EXP candies, vitamins, or mints in the process. Alternatively, you could breed one, but this would take considerably longer.
Azumarill will need to be oriented towards physical attacks while also possessing its Huge Power ability. This ability doubles the creature's attack stat.
Azumarill must also know the moves, Play Rough and Belly Drum. The other two moves can be whatever you wish, but only the first two moves will be used.

Here is the build you should run for Azumarill if you intend on taking down the Mighty Charizard boss in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet by yourself:
- Adamant Nature
- Holding a Sitrus Berry
- Fairy Tera Type
- Max attack and HP effort values
- Level 100, Hyper-trained
- Play Rough and Belly Drum; other moves are optional
At the start of the battle, it is important to use Belly Drum. This will trigger the Sitrus Berry, allowing Azumarill to survive long enough to use Play Rough. This will deal a significant chunk of Charizard's health, but Azumarill will faint soon after. After waiting for it to respawn, use Play Rough three times, then Terastallize.
Spamming Play Rough is the best way to take this boss down. You can also use healing cheers as necessary.
Using this strategy, you should have no problem taking down Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Mighty Charizard Raid Boss.
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