Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's latest 7-star Tera Raid boss has arrived in the form of a Dragon Tera Type Sceptile, and trainers are already deducing ways to defeat it and collect the bounty of rewards it offers. However, is it possible for you to beat it solo? The good news is that if you have the right Pocket Monsters with the right moves, EV training, and items, you can beat this raid boss on your own.
As a Tera Dragon-type, the Sceptile in this Pokemon Scarlet and Violet raid should be relatively easy to beat solo compared to some of its previous counterparts. However, you'll still need the right loadout and steps in mind to ensure that you secure victory.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the opinions of the writer
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Dragon Sceptile's strengths and weaknesses in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's raids

- Tera Type: Dragon
- Ability: Unburden
- IVs: 31 in all stat categories
- Nature: Hasty
- Usable Moves: Leaf Blade, Breaking Swipe, Dragon Dance, Thunder Punch, Leaf Storm, Earthquake
While Sceptile is normally a Grass-type Pokemon, Terastallization has converted it into a Dragon-type critter, making it weak to the following attack elements:
- Dragon
- Fairy
- Ice
Meanwhile, Sceptile will resist damage from these elements, so they're best avoided:
- Electric
- Fire
- Grass
- Water
Best counter to solo Dragon Sceptile in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet raids

One of the best solo counters for most Dragon Tera Type raid bosses in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is the Fire-type starter Skeledirge, which can ignore Sceptile's stat boosts thanks to its Unaware ability. However, you'll need some specific moves to pull off this solo strategy, along with the right EV training, held item, nature, and Tera Type.
Below, you can find the recommended solo build for Dragon Sceptile's 7-star raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:
- Tera Type: Fairy
- Ability: Unaware
- Moveset: Torch Song, Slack Off, Alluring Voice, Protect
- Nature: Modest
- EV Point Distribution: 252 HP, 252 Sp. Atk, 4 Def
- Held Item: Shell Bell
It's recommended to utilize NPC-controlled Pokemon on your team that have the ability Intimidate to lower Sceptile's Attack stat. These include Arcanine, Paldean Tauros, and Staraptor.
Arboliva should not be brought into the battle, as its Seed Sower move will create Grassy Terrain when it's hit, strengthen Sceptile's Leaf Blade move, and throw this Pokemon Scarlet and Violet raid into jeopardy.
How to beat 7-star Dragon Sceptile in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet raids

Before diving into this raid solo, it's important to know the behavior that Sceptile will undertake at certain points in the battle. Sceptile should follow the steps below as this Pokemon Scarlet and Violet raid progresses:
- At 99% Raid Time: Sceptile will attack with Leaf Storm.
- At 85% HP: Sceptile will attack with Breaking Swipe.
- At 85% Raid Time: Player stats and status are reset.
- At 80% Raid Time: Sceptile will reduce the Tera Orb charge of the raid party.
- At 70% HP or 75% Raid Time: Sceptile will activate its Tera Energy shield.
- At 65% HP: Sceptile's stats and status will reset.
- At 30% HP: Sceptile will attack with Earthquake.
With that in mind, you can follow this approximate strategy to defeat Sceptile solo in this Pokemon Scarlet and Violet raid:
- Begin by using Alluring Voice to damage and potentially confuse Sceptile while building Tera Orb charge. Skeledirge's partial Fire typing will protect it well from Leaf Storm and Leaf Blade. Shell Bell will heal Skeledirge over time, but you can use Slack Off in case it takes more damage than expected.
- When Sceptile deactivates Skeledirge's Unaware ability, use Protect to avoid Sceptile's hard-hitting attacks.
- When Sceptile resets the raiding party's stats, begin using Torch Song until you've done so six times. It won't deal much damage, but it will raise Skeledirge's Sp. Atk stat and build Tera Orb charge.
- Once your charge is full, Terastallize into a Fairy-type and use Alluring Voice until Sceptile is defeated. Thanks to the Sp. Atk boosts from Torch Song, Sceptile shouldn't be able to withstand the STAB damage from Alluring Voice for long.
If followed correctly, your NPC teammates should keep Sceptile's damage output low while you build Tera Orb charge. Once Skeledirge is a Fairy Tera Type, it should have nothing to fear from almost anything Sceptile throws at it. If Sceptile does deal some damage, Shell Bell and Slack Off can provide more than enough healing.
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